Problems importing libraries

Hi! I've only been using Arduino for a few months now, and almost every time I try to import a library from another source such as GitHub, it shows me a message saying "Libraries that cannot be imported-Library properties not found." Whenever I've looked for project tutorials on sites such as or, I've always found that I need to import a custom library, and almost every one I've tried to import prompts this message to be shown. Without the ability to import these custom libraries, my options are certainly limited for which projects I can create. I would greatly appreciate if someone helped me with this problem. Thank you!

@arduinoelegoo Installation and Troubleshooting is for Problems with the Arduino IDE itself NOT your project. It says so in the description of the section.

Therefore I have moved your post here. Please be more careful where you post in future.

You may want to read this before you proceed:-
how to get the best out of this forum

Your problem can be solved by looking at this link:-
Installing additional Libraries

Hi, @arduinoelegoo
Welcome to the forum.

It looks like you are using the online version 2 point something.

I would recommend you download the PC based IDE as the online version is still in development.

Tom... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

Older "legacy" libraries don't have a "" file that newer libraries have. You could ask the author to add the properties file OR you could clone their GitHub repository and add a "" file to your clone.

Sorry. My mistake.

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There is a third way, a simplest i suppose. You can clone GitHub repository and just copy the whole dir to your Arduino libraries folder. In this case you do not need a file.
This is my preferred way to installing libraries, i never use library manager.

Thank you! I don't have a PC, and it my Chromebook can't download the earlier version, ut I still appreciate it!

Ok. Thank you so much!

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