I am trying to test a ublox Max M8C using the TinyGPS++ DeviceExample sketch included with the library, and when run the gps is not detected. I have checked the wiring and connections with no issue found
Can you suggest ideas of what could be going wrong
These devices are 3.3V only and are instantly destroyed by connecting to 5V power or 5V I/O pins.
If your purchased a breakout board with a voltage regulator and level shifting circuitry, please post a link. In that case you might have RX/TX incorrectly wired, no satellites, no fix (can take 10 or 15 minutes with a new module), wrong baud rate, etc.
If you have it connected correctly, NeoGPS is the only library that will parse the GNSS sentences from these new devices. NeoGPS is smaller, faster, more reliable and more accurate than all other libraries. If you want to try it, NeoGPS is also available from the Arduino IDE Library Manager, under the menu Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries.
There are many suggestions on the Troubleshooting page, including a diagnostic sketch.
What do you mean by "not detected"?
The module can catch satellites only under clear sky. Never beneath a roof or trees.
Also some time there will take a very long time to catch satellites. Even with commercial GPS.
I have one UBLOX that accepts 3-5 V (not yet mounted). But some accepts only 3.3.
Thanks for the help
how do I know if the gps is broken from plugging it into 5v. I just checked the data sheet for the breakout board from uptronics and it says 3.6v max
Wire GPS up on 3.3 V this time. Check the connections, Then code using the NeoGPS and see.
Which module did you buy? Most of them have an on-board regulator that requires 5V, and they will not operate if connected to 3.3V.
The GPS RX pin is usually the one that gets damaged. Its max input voltage is 3.6V, and a 5V Arduino transmit pin will output at least 4.2V, probably a little higher.