PROBLEMS Using HC SR04 with motors

Hi all,
I am new to arduino and hardware.I am trying to control a robot using an ultrasonic sensor,along with a 9v and 5v dc motor(with IC-L293D).However, the ultrasonic sensor dosent give any readings when connected in circuit with motor..I am using the 5v output on the Uno to power the IC for logic interpretation.
My Uno is powered using a 9v HIGH-WATT 500mAh BATTERY through the power jack

The motors are powered by a 9v Battery..


Here is the Schematic:
Please correct me in case I am wrong in any symbols.


You only notice the Uno supply, how do you power the motors? Circuit diagram?

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Can you please post a copy of your circuit, in CAD or a picture of a hand drawn circuit in jpg, png?

Thanks Tom.. :slight_smile: