Hi, had the same problem with an 240x64 LCD with T6963. Do I understand right, you see nothing but the small line after reset? I see this line also, but it says nothing about contrast adjust, my LCD shows it also when contrast is much to low and nothing gets shown. So what happens, when you change the contrast poti? Can you reach a position that shows all pixel getting dark? It should be possible, otherwise you cant be shure if the contrast is high enough that anything can be shown. At my lcd I found out that it needs a negative current (about -7 to -8 V) for contrast, so look what yours need. And be careful, dont connect when you are not sure. I dont know if a wrong current can damage a lcd. When I test such thing, I use a 5k resistor in series to lower the risk. But better look for exact information.
At which D pins on Arduino did you connect your D0-D7? (my lcd cant work in 4bit Mode, so all Data Pins must be connected). I used first any connection table of the several I found, but lastly i saw the table at the playground site you told above - and had to change most connections. Then the demo started first time...
I'm using winstar wg240128b with ra6963 chip i used the arduino libary available free t6963, but its not working. I'm facing the same problem too when i open terminal i get: