Problems with 1st upload to ESP32

Hi guys,

I got some problems with my first sketch-upload to an ESP32-board. It says:

Arduino: 1.8.4 (Mac OS X), Board: "DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1, 80MHz, 921600, None"

Build-Optionen wurden verändert, alles wird neu kompiliert
Archiving built core (caching) in: /var/folders/71/5csrzsms2ql656c5g1brxsyc0000gn/T/arduino_cache_96395/core/core_espressif_esp32_esp32doit-devkit-v1_FlashFreq_80,UploadSpeed_921600,DebugLevel_none_81022c23036f627a596faae2df69ec69.a
Der Sketch verwendet 135894 Bytes (10%) des Programmspeicherplatzes. Das Maximum sind 1310720 Bytes.
Globale Variablen verwenden 10992 Bytes (3%) des dynamischen Speichers, 283920 Bytes für lokale Variablen verbleiben. Das Maximum sind 294912 Bytes. v2.1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 2524, in
File "", line 2517, in _main
File "", line 2246, in main
File "", line 177, in init
File "serial/", line 88, in serial_for_url
File "serial/", line 268, in open
serial.serialutil.SerialException: [Errno 16] could not open port /dev/cu.Lussem-COM1: [Errno 16] Resource busy: '/dev/cu.Lussem-COM1'
Failed to execute script esptool
Beim Hochladen des Sketches ist ein Fehler aufgetreten

Dieser Bericht wäre detaillierter, wenn die Option
"Ausführliche Ausgabe während der Kompilierung"
in Datei -> Voreinstellungen aktiviert wäre.

Is there anybody able to help me with this issue?



Select a serial port before uploading. COM1 is not a valid serial port on a Mac.

I would like to, but how? There is no port according to the esp32.

Using Google I found an entry in an other forum link

I installed the drivers, but nothing happend. Any ideas? Thanks!

Try a different USB cable. Some cables do not have data wires.

Some threads indicate different drivers versions work with different versions of Mac OS but not all combinations work. So perhaps a different version of the SiLabs driver will work.