I am currently trying to use my Feather ESP32 S3 with 4MB of Flash and 2MB of PSRAM and wanted to use it to run the protomatter library example "animated gif". All other examples work without any problem but when I get to this example I fail. I can upload it but I dont get the gif on the ESP. When I upload the example and then plug it into my pc again to open the usb storage that should be there my pc always says that the storage is damaged and should be repaired but I dont know why?
The only information I have is the comment in the top of the sketch.
// Play GIFs from CIRCUITPY drive (USB-accessible filesystem) to LED matrix.
// ***DESIGNED FOR ADAFRUIT MATRIXPORTAL***, but may run on some other M4,
// M0, ESP32S3 and nRF52 boards (relies on TinyUSB stack). As written, runs
// on 64x32 pixel matrix, this can be changed by editing the WIDTH and HEIGHT
// definitions. See the "simple" example for a run-down on matrix config.
// Adapted from examples from Larry Bank's AnimatedGIF library and
// msc_external_flash example in Adafruit_TinyUSB_Arduino.
// Prerequisite libraries:
// - Adafruit_Protomatter
// - Adafruit_SPIFlash
// - Adafruit_TinyUSB
// - SdFat (Adafruit fork)
// - AnimatedGIF
// Select Tools->USB Stack->TinyUSB before compiling.
#include <Adafruit_Protomatter.h>
#include <Adafruit_SPIFlash.h>
#include <Adafruit_TinyUSB.h>
#include <AnimatedGIF.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SdFat.h>
// CONFIGURABLE SETTINGS ---------------------------------------------------
char GIFpath[] = "/gifs"; // Absolute path to GIFs on CIRCUITPY drive
uint16_t GIFminimumTime = 10; // Min. repeat time (seconds) until next GIF
#define WIDTH 64 // Matrix width in pixels
#define HEIGHT 64 // Matrix height in pixels
// Maximim matrix height is 32px on most boards, 64 on MatrixPortal if the
// 'E' jumper is set.
// FLASH FILESYSTEM STUFF --------------------------------------------------
// External flash macros for QSPI or SPI are defined in board variant file.
#if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32)
static Adafruit_FlashTransport_ESP32 flashTransport;
Adafruit_FlashTransport_QSPI flashTransport;
Adafruit_FlashTransport_SPI flashTransport(EXTERNAL_FLASH_USE_CS,
#error No QSPI/SPI flash are defined in your board variant.h!
Adafruit_SPIFlash flash(&flashTransport);
FatFileSystem filesys; // Filesystem object from SdFat
Adafruit_USBD_MSC usb_msc; // USB mass storage object
// RGB MATRIX (PROTOMATTER) LIBRARY STUFF ----------------------------------
uint8_t rgbPins[] = {7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12};
uint8_t addrPins[] = {17, 18, 19, 20, 21}; // 16/32/64 pixels tall
uint8_t clockPin = 14;
uint8_t latchPin = 15;
uint8_t oePin = 16;
#define BACK_BUTTON 2
#define NEXT_BUTTON 3
uint8_t rgbPins[] = {42, 41, 40, 38, 39, 37};
uint8_t addrPins[] = {45, 36, 48, 35, 21}; // 16/32/64 pixels tall
uint8_t clockPin = 2;
uint8_t latchPin = 47;
uint8_t oePin = 14;
#define BACK_BUTTON 6
#define NEXT_BUTTON 7
#elif defined(_VARIANT_METRO_M4_)
uint8_t rgbPins[] = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
uint8_t addrPins[] = {A0, A1, A2, A3}; // 16 or 32 pixels tall
uint8_t clockPin = A4;
uint8_t latchPin = 10;
uint8_t oePin = 9;
#elif defined(_VARIANT_FEATHER_M4_)
uint8_t rgbPins[] = {6, 5, 9, 11, 10, 12};
uint8_t addrPins[] = {A5, A4, A3, A2}; // 16 or 32 pixels tall
uint8_t clockPin = 13;
uint8_t latchPin = 0;
uint8_t oePin = 1;
#elif defined(ESP32)
// 'Safe' pins, not overlapping any peripherals:
// GPIO.out: 4, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 27, GPIO.out1: 32, 33
// Peripheral-overlapping pins, sorted from 'most expendible':
// 16, 17 (RX, TX)
// 25, 26 (A0, A1)
// 18, 5, 9 (MOSI, SCK, MISO)
// 22, 23 (SCL, SDA)
uint8_t rgbPins[] = {6, 5, 9, 11, 10, 12};
uint8_t addrPins[] = {8, 14, 15, 16, 17};
uint8_t clockPin = 13; // Must be on same port as rgbPins
uint8_t latchPin = 38;
uint8_t oePin = 39;
#if HEIGHT == 16
#define NUM_ADDR_PINS 3
#elif HEIGHT == 32
#define NUM_ADDR_PINS 4
#elif HEIGHT == 64
#define NUM_ADDR_PINS 5
Adafruit_Protomatter matrix(WIDTH, 6, 1, rgbPins, NUM_ADDR_PINS, addrPins,
clockPin, latchPin, oePin, true);
// ANIMATEDGIF LIBRARY STUFF -----------------------------------------------
AnimatedGIF GIF;
File GIFfile;
int16_t xPos = 0, yPos = 0; // Top-left pixel coord of GIF in matrix space
// Pass in ABSOLUTE PATH of GIF file to open
void *GIFOpenFile(const char *filename, int32_t *pSize) {
GIFfile = filesys.open(filename);
if (GIFfile) {
*pSize = GIFfile.size();
return (void *)&GIFfile;
return NULL;
void GIFCloseFile(void *pHandle) {
File *f = static_cast<File *>(pHandle);
if (f) f->close();
int32_t GIFReadFile(GIFFILE *pFile, uint8_t *pBuf, int32_t iLen) {
int32_t iBytesRead = iLen;
File *f = static_cast<File *>(pFile->fHandle);
// If a file is read all the way to last byte, seek() stops working
if ((pFile->iSize - pFile->iPos) < iLen)
iBytesRead = pFile->iSize - pFile->iPos - 1; // ugly work-around
if (iBytesRead <= 0) return 0;
iBytesRead = (int32_t)f->read(pBuf, iBytesRead);
pFile->iPos = f->position();
return iBytesRead;
int32_t GIFSeekFile(GIFFILE *pFile, int32_t iPosition) {
File *f = static_cast<File *>(pFile->fHandle);
pFile->iPos = (int32_t)f->position();
return pFile->iPos;
// Draw one line of image to matrix back buffer
void GIFDraw(GIFDRAW *pDraw) {
uint8_t *s;
uint16_t *d, *usPalette, usTemp[320];
int x, y;
y = pDraw->iY + pDraw->y; // current line in image
// Vertical clip
int16_t screenY = yPos + y; // current row on matrix
if ((screenY < 0) || (screenY >= matrix.height())) return;
usPalette = pDraw->pPalette;
s = pDraw->pPixels;
// Apply the new pixels to the main image
if (pDraw->ucHasTransparency) { // if transparency used
uint8_t *pEnd, c, ucTransparent = pDraw->ucTransparent;
int x, iCount;
pEnd = s + pDraw->iWidth;
x = 0;
iCount = 0; // count non-transparent pixels
while (x < pDraw->iWidth) {
c = ucTransparent - 1;
d = usTemp;
while (c != ucTransparent && s < pEnd) {
c = *s++;
if (c == ucTransparent) { // done, stop
s--; // back up to treat it like transparent
} else { // opaque
*d++ = usPalette[c];
} // while looking for opaque pixels
if (iCount) { // any opaque pixels?
span(usTemp, xPos + pDraw->iX + x, screenY, iCount);
x += iCount;
iCount = 0;
// no, look for a run of transparent pixels
c = ucTransparent;
while (c == ucTransparent && s < pEnd) {
c = *s++;
if (c == ucTransparent)
if (iCount) {
x += iCount; // skip these
iCount = 0;
} else {
s = pDraw->pPixels;
// Translate 8-bit pixels through RGB565 palette (already byte reversed)
for (x = 0; x < pDraw->iWidth; x++)
usTemp[x] = usPalette[*s++];
span(usTemp, xPos + pDraw->iX, screenY, pDraw->iWidth);
// Copy a horizontal span of pixels from a source buffer to an X,Y position
// in matrix back buffer, applying horizontal clipping. Vertical clipping is
// handled in GIFDraw() above -- y can safely be assumed valid here.
void span(uint16_t *src, int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t width) {
if (x >= matrix.width()) return; // Span entirely off right of matrix
int16_t x2 = x + width - 1; // Rightmost pixel
if (x2 < 0) return; // Span entirely off left of matrix
if (x < 0) { // Span partially off left of matrix
width += x; // Decrease span width
src -= x; // Increment source pointer to new start
x = 0; // Leftmost pixel is first column
if (x2 >= matrix.width()) { // Span partially off right of matrix
width -= (x2 - matrix.width() + 1);
if(matrix.getRotation() == 0) {
memcpy(matrix.getBuffer() + y * matrix.width() + x, src, width * 2);
} else {
while(x <= x2) {
matrix.drawPixel(x++, y, *src++);
// FUNCTIONS REQUIRED FOR USB MASS STORAGE ---------------------------------
static bool msc_changed = true; // Is set true on filesystem changes
// Callback on READ10 command.
int32_t msc_read_cb(uint32_t lba, void *buffer, uint32_t bufsize) {
return flash.readBlocks(lba, (uint8_t *)buffer, bufsize / 512) ? bufsize : -1;
// Callback on WRITE10 command.
int32_t msc_write_cb(uint32_t lba, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t bufsize) {
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
return flash.writeBlocks(lba, buffer, bufsize / 512) ? bufsize : -1;
// Callback on WRITE10 completion.
void msc_flush_cb(void) {
flash.syncBlocks(); // Sync with flash
filesys.cacheClear(); // Clear filesystem cache to force refresh
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
msc_changed = true;
// Get number of files in a specified path that match extension ('filter').
// Pass in absolute path (e.g. "/" or "/gifs") and extension WITHOUT period
// (e.g. "gif", NOT ".gif").
int16_t numFiles(const char *path, const char *filter) {
File dir = filesys.open(path);
if (!dir) return -1;
char filename[256];
for(int16_t num_files = 0;;) {
File entry = dir.openNextFile();
if (!entry) return num_files; // No more files
entry.getName(filename, sizeof(filename) - 1);
if (!entry.isDirectory() && // Skip directories
strncmp(filename, "._", 2)) { // and Mac junk files
char *extension = strrchr(filename, '.');
if (extension && !strcasecmp(&extension[1], filter)) num_files++;
return -1;
// Return name of file (matching extension) by index (0 to numFiles()-1)
char *filenameByIndex(const char *path, const char *filter, int16_t index) {
static char filename[256]; // Must be static, we return a pointer to this!
File entry, dir = filesys.open(path);
if (!dir) return NULL;
while(entry = dir.openNextFile()) {
entry.getName(filename, sizeof(filename) - 1);
if(!entry.isDirectory() && // Skip directories
strncmp(filename, "._", 2)) { // and Mac junk files
char *extension = strrchr(filename, '.');
if (extension && !strcasecmp(&extension[1], filter)) {
if(!index--) {
return filename;
return NULL;
// SETUP FUNCTION - RUNS ONCE AT STARTUP -----------------------------------
void setup() {
#if defined(BACK_BUTTON)
#if defined(NEXT_BUTTON)
// USB mass storage / filesystem setup (do BEFORE Serial init)
// Set disk vendor id, product id and revision
usb_msc.setID("Adafruit", "External Flash", "1.0");
// Set disk size, block size is 512 regardless of spi flash page size
usb_msc.setCapacity(flash.pageSize() * flash.numPages() / 512, 512);
usb_msc.setReadWriteCallback(msc_read_cb, msc_write_cb, msc_flush_cb);
usb_msc.setUnitReady(true); // MSC is ready for read/write
filesys.begin(&flash); // Start filesystem on the flash
//while (!Serial);
// Protomatter (RGB matrix) setup
ProtomatterStatus status = matrix.begin();
Serial.print("Protomatter begin() status: ");
// GIF setup
int16_t GIFindex = -1; // Current file index in GIFpath
int8_t GIFincrement = 1; // +1 = next GIF, -1 = prev, 0 = same
uint32_t GIFstartTime = 0; // When current GIF started playing
bool GIFisOpen = false; // True if GIF is currently open
void loop() {
if (msc_changed) { // If filesystem has changed...
msc_changed = false; // Clear flag
GIFincrement = 1; // Set index to next file when we resume here
return; // Prioritize USB, handled in calling func
#if defined(BACK_BUTTON)
if(!digitalRead(BACK_BUTTON)) {
GIFincrement = -1; // Back
while(!digitalRead(BACK_BUTTON)); // Wait for release
#if defined(NEXT_BUTTON)
if(!digitalRead(NEXT_BUTTON)) {
GIFincrement = 1; // Forward
while(!digitalRead(NEXT_BUTTON)); // Wait for release
if (GIFincrement) { // Change file?
if (GIFisOpen) { // If currently playing,
GIF.close(); // stop it
GIFisOpen = false;
GIFindex += GIFincrement; // Fwd or back 1 file
int num_files = numFiles(GIFpath, "GIF");
if(GIFindex >= num_files) GIFindex = 0; // 'Wrap around' file index
else if(GIFindex < 0) GIFindex = num_files - 1; // both directions
char *filename = filenameByIndex(GIFpath, "GIF", GIFindex);
if (filename) {
char fullname[sizeof GIFpath + 256];
sprintf(fullname, "%s/%s", GIFpath, filename); // Absolute path to GIF
Serial.printf("Opening file '%s'\n", fullname);
if (GIF.open(fullname, GIFOpenFile, GIFCloseFile,
GIFReadFile, GIFSeekFile, GIFDraw)) {
Serial.printf("GIF dimensions: %d x %d\n",
GIF.getCanvasWidth(), GIF.getCanvasHeight());
xPos = (matrix.width() - GIF.getCanvasWidth()) / 2; // Center on matrix
yPos = (matrix.height() - GIF.getCanvasHeight()) / 2;
GIFisOpen = true;
GIFstartTime = millis();
GIFincrement = 0; // Reset increment flag
} else if(GIFisOpen) {
if (GIF.playFrame(true, NULL) >= 0) { // Auto resets to start if needed
if ((millis() - GIFstartTime) >= (GIFminimumTime * 1000)) {
GIFincrement = 1; // Minimum time has elapsed, proceed to next GIF
} else {
GIFincrement = 1; // Decode error, proceed to next GIF