ATTiny85-20PU Programming
I have been using the Attiny85usb clone to produce dcc function decoders for Model railways with some degree of success. (Based on the work here: )So the process of using these clones to produce results has been tried, tested and works. I have now attempted to program the ATTiny85-20PuU chip directly using the Arduino ISP. I have managed to successfully program the BLINK program into the chip and it works.
The circuitry consists of an input of 15v ac which originates from the dcc controller which has a dcc signal. The input goes to a common input where it is rectified to 5v dc to power the ATTiny85usb and also through an optocoupler circuit as shown.
I have a circuit board designed to take the ATTiny85 usb and almost all the code I have written for these boards works and I have used them repeatedly. Since the ATTiny85usb board is bulky I have attempted to program the chip directly and I have successfully programmed the BLINK program using the ArduinoISP. I have then taken programs which work on the ATTiny85usb and programmed them into the ATTiny85-20PU.
- Nothing Works!
- I in the ATTiny85usb board the optocoupler signal is sent to pin 2(PB2). I have sent the signal to physical pin 7(PB2) on the ATTiny85-20PU. I have tested the connections on the USB board and pin2 is connected to physical pin 7 on the board. Am I correct in doing this?
- If I take an ATTiny85-20PU loaded with the BLINK program and connect it to a 5v Power supply fed by the DCC in I get no response (measured 4.9vdc). If I plug in a separate power supply then the led blinks (measured 5.08vdc). What the hell is going on there?
There must be something glaringly obvious which I am missing. I have attached a sample code that works. Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated.
// DCC Function Decoder
// Author: Ruud Boer - October 2015
// This sketch turns an ATTiny85 into a DCC function decoder for F0 - 5
// Output pins used: 3-19 (14-19 = A0-A5). Pin is HIGH when Function is ON.
// The DCC signal is fed to pin 2 (=Interrupt 0).
// For ATTiny85 USB PinPB0=Pin 0 for ATTiny85-20PU PB0 is Pin 5 For ATTiny85 USB PinPB1=Pin 1 for ATTiny85-20PU PB1 is Pin 6
// For ATTiny85 USB PinPB2=Pin 2 for ATTiny85-20PU PB2 is Pin 7 For ATTiny85 USB PinPB3=Pin 3 for ATTiny85-20PU PB3 is Pin 2
// For ATTiny85 USB PinPB4=Pin 4 for ATTiny85-20PU PB4 is Pin 3 For ATTiny85 USB PinPB5=Pin 5 RESET for ATTiny85-20PU PB1 is Pin 1 RESET
// Optocoupler schematics for conversion of DCC - 5V:
// Many thanks to for publishing their DCC monitor and -decoder code.
// IMPORTANT: GOTO lines 15 - 28 to configure some data!
int decoderAddress = 222; // This is the decoder address, change into the number you want.
//#define F0_pin 1 // Define the output pin for every Function number in use
//#define F0_pin2 3 // 2nd pin for same function is possible. Can use forward / reverse direction ... see line 97.
//#define F1_pin 0 // Available pin numbers: 0,1,3,4,5
//#define F2_pin 0
//#define F3_pin 0
#define F4_pin 3
//#define F5_pin 0
//#define F6_pin 0
//#define F7_pin 0
//#define F8_pin 0
//#define F9_pin 0
//#define F10_pin 0
//#define F11_pin 0
//#define F12_pin 0
#include <DCC_Decoder.h>
#define kDCC_INTERRUPT 0
byte Func[4]; //0=L4321, 1=8765, 2=CBA9, 3=F20-F13, 4=F28-F21
byte instrByte1;
int Address;
byte forw_rev=1; //0=reverse, 1=forward
boolean RawPacket_Handler(byte pktByteCount, byte* dccPacket) {
if (!bitRead(dccPacket[0],7)) { //bit7=0 -> Loc Decoder Short Address
Address = dccPacket[0];
instrByte1 = dccPacket[1];
else if (bitRead(dccPacket[0],6)) { //bit7=1 AND bit6=1 -> Loc Decoder Long Address
Address = 256 * (dccPacket[0] & B00000111) + dccPacket[1];
instrByte1 = dccPacket[2];
if (Address==decoderAddress) {
byte instructionType = instrByte1>>5;
switch (instructionType) {
case 2: // Reverse speed
case 3: // Forward speed
case 4: // Loc Function L-4-3-2-1
case 5: // Loc Function 8-7-6-5
if (bitRead(instrByte1,4)) {
else { // Loc Function 12-11-10-9
// F0 is an example of two output pins that alternate based on loc forw_rev driving direction.
//if (Func[0]&B00010000) {digitalWrite(F0_pin,forw_rev); digitalWrite(F0_pin2,!forw_rev);} else digitalWrite(F0_pin,HIGH);
// if (Func[0]&B00000001) digitalWrite(F1_pin,LOW); else digitalWrite(F1_pin,HIGH);
// if (Func[0]&B00000010) digitalWrite(F2_pin,LOW); else digitalWrite(F2_pin,HIGH);
// if (Func[0]&B00000100) digitalWrite(F3_pin,LOW); else digitalWrite(F3_pin,HIGH);
if (Func[0]&B00001000) digitalWrite(F4_pin,LOW); else digitalWrite(F4_pin,HIGH);
//if (Func[1]&B00000001) digitalWrite(F5_pin,LOW); else digitalWrite(F5_pin,HIGH);
//if (Func[1]&B00000010) digitalWrite(F6_pin,LOW); else digitalWrite(F6_pin,HIGH);
//if (Func[1]&B00000100) digitalWrite(F7_pin,LOW); else digitalWrite(F7_pin,HIGH);
//if (Func[1]&B00001000) digitalWrite(F8_pin,LOW); else digitalWrite(F8_pin,HIGH);
//if (Func[2]&B00000001) digitalWrite(F9_pin,LOW); else digitalWrite(F9_pin,HIGH);
//if (Func[2]&B00000010) digitalWrite(F10_pin,LOW); else digitalWrite(F10_pin,HIGH);
//if (Func[2]&B00000100) digitalWrite(F11_pin,LOW); else digitalWrite(F11_pin,HIGH);
//if (Func[2]&B00001000) digitalWrite(F12_pin,LOW); else digitalWrite(F12_pin,HIGH);
void setup() {
DCC.SetupMonitor( kDCC_INTERRUPT );
pinMode(2, INPUT);
pinMode(0, OUTPUT);
pinMode(1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
//pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
void loop() {