Problems with robot.

Hi, i have bought this robbot

and im following this guide.
i have 1.8.0 IDE
Unfortunately i can not get past the very basic steps.

"Uploading a test sketch" is where im stuck.
first of all there is no File > Examples > Robot_Control > learn > MotorTest.
this is found under File> Examples> RETIRED >Robot_Control > learn > MotorTest.
when i try to compile it then it gives me errors. I have googled 8 hours but i have no idea what to do to make it work (sad)

the following scetches worked
examples- basic- bareMinimum

The following was giving high pitch sound nonstop while connected to usb and turned off
examples- display-RowColumnScanning

The Other example from display how ever showed nothing, just blank screen.

Now when i turn it on it only shows white screen and nothing else. Have i broke it somehow?
how do i fix that?

I was realy hyped about this robot but last 9 hours has been utter dissapointment (sad)

This is the error log when i try to upload the File> Examples> RETIRED >Robot_Control > learn > MotorTest file is in attachment.

error1.txt (90.3 KB)

For some reason the Arduino developers think it's acceptable to ship broken code with the IDE. I have informed them of this but they won't fix it because it's "retired". They have fixed the problem though. You just need to download and install the updated library from:

Hi, thanks for the answer.

I did download the library from the link and tried to verify any sketch that includes ArduinoRobot.h
Sadly i get the same result.
verify is the same as compile I assume ?

Why can i not not even compile supplied sketch examples that has any includes? in my case #include <ArduinoRobot.h>
I asume that the examples should be working straight off the bat with adruino robot i have right?

I have power off robot connected to my win7 machine with usb (top board, i assume its control board) then i open the adruino 1.8 IDE and load the newly downloaded examples.
When i try to verify any sketches that include ArduinoRobot.h I allways get the same error.
if i try to upload the sketch to my robot i get the same error.

Could it be that im missing some files somwhere?

i tried to compile bare minimum including the two libraries

#include <ArduinoRobot.h>
#include <Wire.h>
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:


void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


Last lines of error:

collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Using library Robot_Control at version 1.0.2 in folder: C:\Users\Dace\Desktop\1.8.0\Arduino\libraries\Robot_Control
Using library Wire at version 1.0 in folder: C:\Users\Dace\Desktop\1.8.0\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\libraries\Wire
Using library SPI at version 1.0 in folder: C:\Users\Dace\Desktop\1.8.0\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\libraries\SPI
exit status 1
Error compiling for board Arduino Robot Control.

Im not sure if post viewers can access the attachments, even the forum seems weird for me :D.

and i get the same error so clearly there is a problem with including, but how do i solve it?

bareminimum.txt (90 KB)

MotorTest.txt (90.1 KB)

TurnTest.txt (90.1 KB)

Is C:\Users\Dace\Desktop\1.8.0\Arduino\libraries\Robot_Control where you installed the updated version of the library that you downloaded? If not then it's still using the old version of the library. Most likely the reason is that the version you installed is in a folder named Robot_Control-master. You need to rename that folder to Robot_Control.

verify is the same as compile I assume ?


I asume that the examples should be working straight off the bat with adruino robot i have right?

The version of the Robot_Control library included with the Arduino IDE installation is incompatible with Arduino AVR Boards 1.6.12 and newer due to the more aggressive optimization settings of the new versions. I reported this issue to the developers months ago and they did a fix of the library on GitHub but said they won't update the version that they include with the Arduino IDE because the Arduino Robot is retired.

Thank you very much for the help, i did put them as you instructed in lib folder and it finaly worked. Thank you once again. :slight_smile: