Problems with RTC

So I'm working on a project that uses a servo at a specific time.

I have 2 problems:

1: My RTC doesn't keep track of time when it's turned off, when turning on again it will use the time that it got the last time I synced it with my PC.

2: The RTC doesn't want to work when the serial monitor isn't open

I am using:

  • Arduino Uno Rev 3
  • RTC PCF8523 with coin battery
  • high torque servo

my code used:

#include <RTClib.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Servo.h>

RTC_PCF8523 rtc;

Servo servo;
int pos = 0;

char buf1[20];

void setup() {




void loop() {
  DateTime now =;

  sprintf(buf1, "%02d:%02d:%02d %02d/%02d/%02d",  now.hour(), now.minute(), now.second(),, now.month(), now.year());  
   * now.hour() == 19 &&  && now.second() == 00 
  if (now.minute() == 00 && now.second() == 00 || now.minute() == 10 && now.second() == 00 || now.minute() == 20 && now.second() == 00 || now.minute() == 30 && now.second() == 00 || now.minute() == 40 && now.second() == 00 || now.minute() == 50 && now.second() == 00){
    delay (5000);
    delay (300);
  else {

  Serial.print(F("Date/Time: "));



the code is used as a test to use the servo every 10 minutes, ignore the hour part since I won't use that atm.

as attachement, I will show a scetch of my current setup.

Thanks in advance!

1: My RTC doesn't keep track of time when it's turned off, when turning on again it will use the time that it got the last time I synced it with my PC.

Just like you told it to do, if that's a problem, why are you doing it?


Just like you told it to do, if that's a problem, why are you doing it?


it uses the time of the last time I synced it, I used this code once just to get my time on the rtc so I could work with it. Turning on the arduino with rtc, I don't run the code again so the time won't get synced again.

So you are posting code that is not running? Why?

Have you got a sketch that does nothing but read the rtc (which would have been set in a different sketch) and displays the rtc's (idea of) time in the monitor?

So you are posting code that is not running? Why?

I think I misundedrstood, are you saying that this after I used this line of code once, I should remove it since it is preventing the time to change in real time?

It will set the time to the last compilation time each time it resets.

It will set the time to the last compilation time each time it resets.

that makes a lot more sense, thanks.
The only problem i have right now is that the time is 8 seconds off, when I tried this yesterday it was always different. Is there any possible solution to fix this?

There's probably a way of hard-coding your time of choice into rtc.adjust() instead of the compile time. Then have a separate set time sketch with a value a bit ahead of the actual time, and hit reset when that actual time arrives on your watch.

All the registers of the chip are read-write, some registers have additional bits besides the time/date values.

To adjust a value

  • read the current value
  • save the special bits (if any)
  • manipulate the number
  • recombine the special bits (if any)
  • write the register
    Have a look at the datasheet. The chip seems to be quite similar to the DS3231.

Other then hard-coding, is there a way to sync the time using a WiFi shield?

NTP can be used to get the current time.
You will still have to transfer the values to the RTC.

I'll see what I can do using NTP.

Thanks for all the answers! :slight_smile: