Problems with Serial.print

I'm a relatively new user and am stumped using the Serial.print command. When I first used the Arduino, I was successful in printing to the bottom of my computer screen using both Serial.print() and Serial.println(). I set the speed using Serial.begin(9600). Now, after a few weeks of programming, I find myself unable to print to the computer screen any longer. The Arduino works great in all other respects and I have programmed it to do many things but I just can't get an output back to the computer display.

Please Help,

John :frowning:

Welcome to the wonderful world of arduino!:slight_smile:

Well, you're using the right commands.. it's really hard to say what the problem is without seeing some code, and, what do you mean you're not able to print? Do you get garbage, or nothing at all? Does it print in your setup() but not in your loop()?

But a something to keep in mind, you need to make sure you have the correct board selected when you open up the Serial Monitor. (shouldn't change from when you upload, but you never know)

Other than that.. I'm not really sure! (I'm sure I'll think of something later.. it's late!) But let's see some code! Then we can judge. :slight_smile:

Good luck!

The Arduino works great in all other respects

So, the good news is that the serial link works, at least as far as programming is concerned.

Do you, by chance, have something connected to digital pin 1? That might interfere with your ability to send. (I just verified this by connecting digital 1 to ground - no data on serial until I disconnected the jumper)

You did open the serial monitor in the Arduino IDE?