Problems with Sketch on Mega 2560

Hi Guys,

I have a problem with a code running on the Uno perfectly, but not on the Mega 2560.It is the 8x8x8 RGB LED Cube code from Kevin Darrah. I would like to make a FHT Spectrum on the cube, which is no problem. Only the memory of the UNO is now too small so I have to switch to the Mega 2560.I have the pin assignment adapted to the Mega, since SPI is used (MOSI, SCK) but it just will not run. Although the LED lights, but totally shifted and all LEDs are like ghost lights. If the error is on the set? Interrupts? I do not know more to help me. I hope you can help me.

Here is the Original Code for the UNO

#include <SPI.h>// SPI Library used to clock data out to the shift registers

#define latch_pin 2// can use any pin you want to latch the shift registers
#define blank_pin 4// same, can use any pin you want for this, just make sure you pull up via a 1k to 5V
#define data_pin 11// used by SPI, must be pin 11
#define clock_pin 13// used by SPI, must be 13

//These variables are used by multiplexing and Bit Angle Modulation Code
int shift_out;//used in the code a lot in for(i= type loops
byte anode[8];//byte to write to the anode shift register, 8 of them, shifting the ON level in each byte in the array

byte red0[64], red1[64], red2[64], red3[64];
byte blue0[64], blue1[64], blue2[64], blue3[64];
byte green0[64], green1[64], green2[64], green3[64];

int level=0;//keeps track of which level we are shifting data to
int anodelevel=0;//this increments through the anode levels
int BAM_Bit, BAM_Counter=0; // Bit Angle Modulation variables to keep track of things

//These variables can be used for other things
unsigned long start;//for a millis timer to cycle through the animations

void setup(){

SPI.setBitOrder(MSBFIRST);//Most Significant Bit First
SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE0);// Mode 0 Rising edge of data, keep clock low
SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV2);//Run the data in at 16MHz/2 - 8MHz

//Serial.begin(115200);// if you need it?
noInterrupts();// kill interrupts until everybody is set up

//We use Timer 1 to refresh the cube
TCCR1A = B00000000;//Register A all 0's since we're not toggling any pins
TCCR1B = B00001011;//bit 3 set to place in CTC mode, will call an interrupt on a counter match
//bits 0 and 1 are set to divide the clock by 64, so 16MHz/64=250kHz
TIMSK1 = B00000010;//bit 1 set to call the interrupt on an OCR1A match
OCR1A=30; // you can play with this, but I set it to 30, which means:
//our clock runs at 250kHz, which is 1/250kHz = 4us
//with OCR1A set to 30, this means the interrupt will be called every (30+1)x4us=124us, 
// which gives a multiplex frequency of about 8kHz

// here I just set up the anode array, this is what's written to the anode shift register, to enable each level
// don't hate on how I assigned the values to this register! haha

//finally set up the Outputs
pinMode(latch_pin, OUTPUT);//Latch
pinMode(data_pin, OUTPUT);//MOSI DATA
pinMode(clock_pin, OUTPUT);//SPI Clock
//pinMode(blank_pin, OUTPUT);//Output Enable  important to do this last, so LEDs do not flash on boot up
SPI.begin();//start up the SPI library
interrupts();//let the show begin, this lets the multiplexing start

}//***end setup***end setup***end setup***end setup***end setup***end setup***end setup***end setup***end setup***end setup

void loop(){//***start loop***start loop***start loop***start loop***start loop***start loop***start loop***start loop***start loop

//Each animation located in a sub routine
// To control an LED, you simply:
// LED(level you want 0-7, row you want 0-7, column you want 0-7, red brighness 0-15, green brighness 0-15, blue brighness 0-15);

here is the Loop for the LED Routine

}//***end loop***end loop***end loop***end loop***end loop***end loop***end loop***end loop***end loop***end loop***end loop***end loop

void LED(int level, int row, int column, byte red, byte green, byte blue){ //****LED Routine****LED Routine****LED Routine****LED Routine
//This is where it all starts
//This routine is how LEDs are updated, with the inputs for the LED location and its R G and B brightness levels

// First, check and make sure nothing went beyond the limits, just clamp things at either 0 or 7 for location, and 0 or 15 for brightness
  //There are 512 LEDs in the cube, so when we write to level 2, column 5, row 4, that needs to be translated into a number from 0 to 511
  //This looks confusing, I know...
  int whichbyte = int(((level*64)+(row*8)+column)/8);
// This next variable is the same thing as before, but here we don't divide by 8, so we get the LED number 0-511
  int wholebyte=(level*64)+(row*8)+column;
//This will all make sense in a sec
 //This is 4 bit color resolution, so each color contains x4 64 byte arrays, explanation below:
  bitWrite(red0[whichbyte], wholebyte-(8*whichbyte), bitRead(red, 0));
  bitWrite(red1[whichbyte], wholebyte-(8*whichbyte), bitRead(red, 1));
  bitWrite(red2[whichbyte], wholebyte-(8*whichbyte), bitRead(red, 2)); 
  bitWrite(red3[whichbyte], wholebyte-(8*whichbyte), bitRead(red, 3)); 

  bitWrite(green0[whichbyte], wholebyte-(8*whichbyte), bitRead(green, 0));
  bitWrite(green1[whichbyte], wholebyte-(8*whichbyte), bitRead(green, 1));
  bitWrite(green2[whichbyte], wholebyte-(8*whichbyte), bitRead(green, 2)); 
  bitWrite(green3[whichbyte], wholebyte-(8*whichbyte), bitRead(green, 3));

  bitWrite(blue0[whichbyte], wholebyte-(8*whichbyte), bitRead(blue, 0));
  bitWrite(blue1[whichbyte], wholebyte-(8*whichbyte), bitRead(blue, 1));
  bitWrite(blue2[whichbyte], wholebyte-(8*whichbyte), bitRead(blue, 2)); 
  bitWrite(blue3[whichbyte], wholebyte-(8*whichbyte), bitRead(blue, 3));

}//****LED routine end****LED routine end****LED routine end****LED routine end****LED routine end****LED routine end****LED routine end

ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect){//***MultiPlex BAM***MultiPlex BAM***MultiPlex BAM***MultiPlex BAM***MultiPlex BAM***MultiPlex BAM***MultiPlex BAM

//This routine is called in the background automatically at frequency set by OCR1A
//In this code, I set OCR1A to 30, so this is called every 124us, giving each level in the cube 124us of ON time
//There are 8 levels, so we have a maximum brightness of 1/8, since the level must turn off before the next level is turned on
//The frequency of the multiplexing is then 124us*8=992us, or 1/992us= about 1kHz

  PORTD |= 1<<blank_pin;//The first thing we do is turn all of the LEDs OFF, by writing a 1 to the blank pin
  //Note, in my bread-boarded version, I was able to move this way down in the cube, meaning that the OFF time was minimized
  //do to signal integrity and parasitic capcitance, my rise/fall times, required all of the LEDs to first turn off, before updating
  //otherwise you get a ghosting effect on the previous level

//This is 4 bit 'Bit angle Modulation' or BAM, There are 8 levels, so when a '1' is written to the color brightness, 
//each level will have a chance to light up for 1 cycle, the BAM bit keeps track of which bit we are modulating out of the 4 bits
//Bam counter is the cycle count, meaning as we light up each level, we increment the BAM_Counter

BAM_Counter++;//Here is where we increment the BAM counter

switch (BAM_Bit){//The BAM bit will be a value from 0-3, and only shift out the arrays corresponding to that bit, 0-3
//Here's how this works, each case is the bit in the Bit angle modulation from 0-4, 
//Next, it depends on which level we're on, so the byte in the array to be written depends on which level, but since each level contains 64 LED,
//we only shift out 8 bytes for each color
case 0:
 for(shift_out=level; shift_out<level+8; shift_out++)
 for(shift_out=level; shift_out<level+8; shift_out++)
 for(shift_out=level; shift_out<level+8; shift_out++)
case 1:
 for(shift_out=level; shift_out<level+8; shift_out++)
 for(shift_out=level; shift_out<level+8; shift_out++)
 for(shift_out=level; shift_out<level+8; shift_out++)
 case 2:
 for(shift_out=level; shift_out<level+8; shift_out++)
 for(shift_out=level; shift_out<level+8; shift_out++)
 for(shift_out=level; shift_out<level+8; shift_out++)
 case 3:
 for(shift_out=level; shift_out<level+8; shift_out++)
 for(shift_out=level; shift_out<level+8; shift_out++)
 for(shift_out=level; shift_out<level+8; shift_out++)
 //Here is where the BAM_Counter is reset back to 0, it's only 4 bit, but since each cycle takes 8 counts,
 //, it goes 0 8 16 32, and when BAM_counter hits 64 we reset the BAM

SPI.transfer(anode[anodelevel]);//finally, send out the anode level byte

PORTD |= 1<<latch_pin;//Latch pin HIGH
PORTD &= ~(1<<latch_pin);//Latch pin LOW
PORTD &= ~(1<<blank_pin);//Blank pin LOW to turn on the LEDs with the new data

anodelevel++;//inrement the anode level
level = level+8;//increment the level variable by 8, which is used to shift out data, since the next level woudl be the next 8 bytes in the arrays

if(anodelevel==8)//go back to 0 if max is reached
if(level==64)//if you hit 64 on level, this means you just sent out all 63 bytes, so go back
pinMode(blank_pin, OUTPUT);//moved down here so outputs are all off until the first call of this function
}//***MultiPlex BAM END***MultiPlex BAM END***MultiPlex BAM END***MultiPlex BAM END***MultiPlex BAM END***MultiPlex BAM END***MultiPlex BAM END

//*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE
//*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE
//*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE
//*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+PUT ANIMATIONS DOWN HERE

an here is my setup for the Mega 2560 Pin´s

#define latch_pin 31// can use any pin you want to latch the shift registers
#define blank_pin 21// same, can use any pin you want for this, just make sure you pull up via a 1k to 5V
#define data_pin 51// used by SPI, 
#define clock_pin 52// use

I do not inspect your code, but: if you use interrupts, the UNO and the MEGA is different! There is no the same pin assignment.

I know I read something about that. But unfortunately have absolutely no idea how I can help me there. Have looked at the pin outs diagram of UNO and MEGA . blank would be T0, latch INT0, data MOSI, SCK clock ...

And since the problem probably lies on the set and I have no idea of ??the use of interrupts or how to set this, I hope someone can help me here in the forum.

You have WAY too much stuff going on between disabling interrupts and re-enabling them. Assigning initial values to arrays does not need to have interrupts disabled. Nor does setting the mode of the pins.

Post ALL of your code in one file, by attaching it, using the Additional Options... link below the text entry window. I'm not going to scroll back and forth between a bunch of posts to sew your patchwork code back together, and I know many others won't either.

OK ,

I try..... :cold_sweat:

RGB_Cube_leer.ino (10.3 KB)

I am developing a impact tester, and I am having trouble adding some things to it that would be beneficial for what we want to use it. I did not start the program but I have been tasked with finishing it. there was an original program (code) written for it , I am just trying to modify it and add a sensor (HC-SR04) with the LCD screen. This is where I am having trouble incorporating these two in to the existing code. I can provide the original code and if anyone can help me figure it out I would greatly appreciate it. I can be reached through here or through my e-mail.

Thank you .

I have the code that was made for this project I have gone over it and modified it a little bit. Tested the impact tester and it worked but now we want to incorporate the sensor (HC-SR04) with the LCD screen, and I am having trouble doing so. I have attached the code that goes with the impact tester , and the other two are the ones we want to incorporate labeled Height_Sensor 1 and Liquid_Crystal 1 .

Impact_tester 1.docx (16.6 KB)

Height_Sensor 1.docx (11.4 KB)

Liquid_Crystal 1.docx (10.5 KB)

neophyte112 do you already have the cube sketch working on the MEGA2560?

I got the sketch of Kevin Darrah fully working on the MEGA2560, let me know if you want it

I'm also interrested in the FHT part if you got it working