Problems with transfering data with RF24

Hi all,
I have been playing around with RF24 modules, got most of the examples working, but I wanted to some proper test runs transferring sensor values and text, managed to find a tutorial on youtube.
My sending code works, which is doing what it is supposed to, by serial at least, however my receiver code, is part working, but does not seem to be picking up the values.

The code for the receiver is below

#include <SPI.h>
#include "RF24.h"

RF24 myRadio (7, 8);
struct package
int id=0;
float temperature = 0.0;
char text[100] ="empty";

byte addresses[][6] = {"0"};

typedef struct package Package;
Package data;

void setup()

myRadio.setDataRate( RF24_250KBPS ) ;
myRadio.openReadingPipe(1, addresses[0]);

void loop()

if ( myRadio.available())
while (myRadio.available())
{ &data, sizeof(data) );


This is the form of results I got

Package : 0
Temp = 0.00
Text =

Package :-10024
Temp = 0vf
Text = oooooooooooo ( looks like square hollow boxes)

Package : -10024
Temp = 0vf
Text = oooooooooooo

So far, I can changed to RF24 modules, same thing.
I have multiple modules, arduino's .

This is just for testing and debugging, I have a temperature sensor working, humidity and various other sensors working on other boards.

I am trying to make an automatic home system, but cant figure out why this is not working, I have read the library, and the datasheet.

What make you believe that the NRF24L01+ can handle such a structure?

struct package
  int id=0;
  float temperature = 0.0;
  char  text[100] ="empty";

The maximum packet size is 32 byte...

I seen it on a tutorial on youtube, so assumed it can handle such a structure, when it started to not work, or not show the data I assumed are being sent, I decided to come here to find out why, and to correct any assumptions I may have.

So I am sending to much, please could you show me an example of the type of structure I need,
Can I only send 1 type of variable

Reading some documentation could help. :wink:

The library only supports one transfer per packet,
so you always have to send from continuous RAM memory.

The NRF knows no types, only bytes which are passed in and out unchanged.

Design your packet(s) to be less than 33 bytes long.

Sweet Thank you

This Simple nRF24L01+ Tutorial may help.
