Since upgrading from Arduino 1.0 to Arduino 1.0.1 the x10ex and standard X10 libraries have stopped working.
The example sketches X10_Serial from x10ex and X10_receive from the standard library will neither send nor receive with 1.0.1.
I needed to change WProgram.h to arduino.h in the library to make it compile, otherwise the sketch is unchanged.
I've been in touch with Tom Igoe who wrote the original X10 receive code. He has now modified it to work with 1.0.1 (arduino.h and wire library mods), it compiles but unfortunately it doesn't work for me. I live in the UK (50Hz) and he is in 60Hz land and doesn't have any X10 kit to test it with - can anyone help?
The new code is at GitHub - tigoe/x10: x10 Library for Arduino
Meanwhile I'm trying other routes.
X10ex from lookout: June 2010 also works OK with 0.22 but fails with 1.0.1. It looks like a timing issue as the commands are received by the arduino, indicating the interrupt is OK but they are being interpreted with the wrong house code and value. I've emailed the author and am waiting a reply.