Problems without serial cable on arduino one

Hi everybody
I expose my problem... maybe someone can help me:
i quite new about arduino (one) one months i starte4d to develop a similar gardening automatic irrigation system with light sensor humidity and a servo that open and close a little door on top of my greenhouse when the t° is over 30°
everything runs perfectly when arduino is linked to my pc via serial cable , immediatly as i detach the cable (always connected the source power of 9v in the power connector of 2,1) everything start to go wrong..... and i don't understand what is going wrong, maybe i have to delete all the rows in the scketch where serial comunications are established to verify temperature and humidity ?

any suggestion is welcome

Post the code to see if this is not stuck in a "while" or something waiting for Serial connection to be established.

Solved ! the external power was too low of amp; with another 12v 1a power everything is going perfectly, :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: