So, i´m in a project that uses 4 motors for process automation.
1 Stepper motor, 12V, 100mA - I will use a EasyDriver to drive this (EasyDriver - Stepper Motor Driver - ROB-12779 - SparkFun Electronics)
1 DC motor with reduciton, 12V, low current (for this i have a lot of options of drivers)
2 linear actuators (that are like DC motors too but with higher current), 12V, 3,5A -4A current (which dirver should i use?)
So, for the DC motor and the linear actuators is been a week that i´m looking for the right drivers. Mostly of the modules that i found was for like max 2A. One thing is that this machines will work for long times without stopping, so the drivers can´t have problems of getting too hot. I don´t want to project and build any circuit because i'm doing this to be a more final and replicable solution. Just want buy the drivers modules, connect, and program.
Can PLEASE, someone help me choosing the best drivers for this?
If the stepper is 12V 100mA is has 120 ohm windings and won't gain any benefit from
a chopper driver like the Easy Driver. It won't be capable of high speed operation.
For the stepper any dual-H-bridge driver will likely work, L298, L293D or better. The
EasyDriver does reduce the pin count though, which works in its favour given all the
For the low current DC motor one channel from such a L298/L293D driver will do,
or any H-bridge really.
For the actuators you probably need MOSFET H-bridges - Pololu do some with
much higher current rating which is more like it - something like dual H-bridge with > 10A
handling on a small board IIRC.
A DPDT relay can be wired as a forward/reverse switch,
which might be an option - add one MOSFET to do the on-off or even PWM (and a flyback
If the stepper is 12V 100mA is has 120 ohm windings and won't gain any benefit from
a chopper driver like the Easy Driver. It won't be capable of high speed operation.
Can't you drive it with 20 or 30 volts with the EasyDriver?
I have the SM-42BYG011-25 motors which have a 12v 0.33amp rating and they certainly work better with 24v through a Pololu A4988 stepper driver board.