Processing sketch to show visual movement of a sparkfun MPU6050 not showing movement

(Im on a mac using OS X yosemite)

Im following this: MPU-6050: DMP Data from i2cdevlib – Geek Mom Projects

I have attached the processing sketch as a TXT file because I was exceeding the max character limit for the post

Everything compiles and runs like it should, except the end result. Here is the output of the processing sketch:

As you can see the visual representation opens up and is on screen, but doesn't respond to movement of any kind. Opening up a different IMU sketch does the same thing (compiles and runs but no reaction to movement on the visual), but also also says "waiting IMU...null":

This makes me think that for some reason the sketches are running but not using the MPU6050. I would chalk this up to bad wiring on my part but both of the simple raw data read sketches from the arduino playground Arduino Playground - MPU-6050 compile and work(I can see the values change in the arduino IDE serial monitor when i change the orientation of the MPU6050. Then I upload the MPU6050_DMP6.ino sketch in the arduino IDE, close arduino IDE and start up processing to run the code above. With that, I'm not sure what to make of this.

INT--> pin 2
SCL --> A5
SDA --> A4
VIO --> 3.3v

Any input is greatly appreciated! thank you!

teapot.txt (10.2 KB)

Any input is greatly appreciated!

Remember, you DID make this statement.

The commented out crap in your sketch is not doing anything. DELETE IT!

You failed to post the Arduino code. For all we know, you are not sending any serial data from the Arduino.

Hi Rperez88!

Here how I made it work:

first download the sketches from here.

Then the trick is
in the ARDUINO SKETCH, comment this line:


and uncomment this line:


and in the PROCESSING SKETCH enter your specific port number. In my configuration (MBP late 2011, Processing V2 1.5.1) it look like that:

String portName = Serial.list()[6];

hope that helps :slight_smile: