(Im on a mac using OS X yosemite)
Im following this: MPU-6050: DMP Data from i2cdevlib – Geek Mom Projects
I have attached the processing sketch as a TXT file because I was exceeding the max character limit for the post
Everything compiles and runs like it should, except the end result. Here is the output of the processing sketch: http://i.imgur.com/8uQECeK.png
As you can see the visual representation opens up and is on screen, but doesn't respond to movement of any kind. Opening up a different IMU sketch does the same thing (compiles and runs but no reaction to movement on the visual), but also also says "waiting IMU...null": http://i.imgur.com/m3LrimI.png
This makes me think that for some reason the sketches are running but not using the MPU6050. I would chalk this up to bad wiring on my part but both of the simple raw data read sketches from the arduino playground Arduino Playground - MPU-6050 compile and work(I can see the values change in the arduino IDE serial monitor when i change the orientation of the MPU6050. Then I upload the MPU6050_DMP6.ino sketch in the arduino IDE, close arduino IDE and start up processing to run the code above. With that, I'm not sure what to make of this.
INT--> pin 2
SCL --> A5
SDA --> A4
VIO --> 3.3v
Any input is greatly appreciated! thank you!
teapot.txt (10.2 KB)