Program an ATMega32L using Arduino Uno as ISP

I have built a simple board with an ATMega32L without any external clock. Since I don't have a programmer but only an Arduino Uno, I have tried to use it as an ISP programmer burning in it the "Arduino as ISP" sketch. The problem is that the ATMega32L isn't available into the Arduino IDE settings. What do I have to do in order to program the microcontroller?

In the simplest case, you may only need to add an entry to the boards.txt file. This is your starting sketch...

#include <avr/io.h>

int main( void )
  // Put your stuff here
  return( 0 );

The Arduino API will not be available but you can certainly use direct port access.

If you do want to program the ATMega32L using the Arduino API you will have to locate and install a "core". If you cannot find a core, you will have to port the standard one.

Could you show me how to load directly the program into the ATMega32L using Arduino as ISP?

Could you show me how to load directly the program into the ATMega32L using Arduino as ISP?

Have you tried this: Help!! Question about the compatible microcontrollers - #5 by simplex - Microcontrollers - Arduino Forum ?

As soon as possible I will try the solution in your link. At the moment I have only a question: why can't I use the ICSP headers on the Arduino board?

The ICSP header is for programming the atmega328p on Arduino Uno with an external programmer. It does not have the SS signal which is required for using Arduino Uno as programmer for a target AVR.

(also, the RESET signal on the Arduino ISP connector is connected to the AVR's reset input. In order to do programming, it have to connect an output from the Arduino to the reset of the target being programmed.)