Program execution time and latency


I am using Arduino to receive, process commands and derive another machine. I am using Arduino UNO

See the code below:

#include <SPI.h> 
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>    // This feature is for second serial port
SoftwareSerial mySerial(2,3); // RX, TX

/*------- SPI Pin assignments ----------
SCK             13
SDO             11
SDI             12
CNV             05 (SS)
FREFH Out       09
RESETn          06
Soft Serial Rx  02
Soft Serial Tx  03
char *ptr = NULL;
uint16_t receivedData; //  We will read data in this for displaying later
uint16_t sendData; // Unsigned Integer of 16 bit width
uint16_t sendData1;// Included for testing
const byte CLOCKOUT = 9;   
#define slaveSelect 5
#define resetOutput 6 
SPISettings settingsA(1000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE2); // Mode 2 means, SCK will remain 1 in inactive, and will sample on negative edge, will work on 8 MHz

/*---------------------------This is the function that will generate the SPI transaction------------------------*/
void SPITransactionSettingsA(uint16_t a) {
  PORTD = PORTD | (B00100000);  // Writting to pin 5 // digitalWrite (slaveSelect, HIGH);
  receivedData = SPI.transfer16(a);
  PORTD = PORTD & ~(B00100000); // Writting to pin 5 // Previously digitalWrite(slaveSelect, LOW);
  //Serial.print("The received data from SPI is:"); // Will print values in Hexadecimal
  //Serial.print(receivedData, HEX); // Will print values in Hexadecimal
  //Serial.print("\n"); // Will print values in Hexadecimal

void setup() {
   mySerial.begin(115200); // Previously 154000
   pinMode (CLOCKOUT, OUTPUT);
   TCCR1A = bit (COM1A0);  
   TCCR1B = bit (WGM12) | bit (CS10);   
   OCR1A =  0;      
   PORTD = PORTD &~(B1111111); 
   PORTD = PORTD |  (B01000000); // Putting Reset to 1 initially

void loop() {
        String data = Serial.readString(); 
        unsigned long StartTime = millis();
        if ((data.substring(0,5)) == "RESET"){
           PORTD = PORTD & ~(B01000000);  
           PORTD = PORTD |  (B01000000);
        else {
        String IntermediateData = data.substring(0,4);
        sendData = strtoul(IntermediateData.c_str(),&ptr,16);
        unsigned long CurrentTime = millis();
        unsigned long ElapsedTime = CurrentTime - StartTime;
        mySerial.println(ElapsedTime);//(sendData1); // This line I included just to see whether or where it prints

Problems: When I send command with an interval of 1010ms, everything works fine. But as I decrease time, even to 1009ms, only first command gets executed.

I tried to measure the timing of execution of program, but it reports that the loop executed in 0 time. So here are two problems:

  1. What time it is taking to execute the function SPITransactionSettingsA.
  2. Why 1010ms, why cant it process faster?

Thanks in advance.


I'd certainly expect the SPI stuff to run a few microseconds, not sure what the 1010 v 1009ms issue is.

The reset pulse you drive is suspiciously short, less than a microsecond, what is it supposed to be talking to?

If you post the circuit too, that will answer a heap of questions in one go...

Could your problem be the readString?

Line endings perhaps?
How are you determining “only the first command gets executed”?

When something is received, something should execute. Either the RESET or the SPI transaction. That is a given from the structure of your code.
If neither of those is happening (which is what you are stating) then the conclusion should be that nothing is being received....