Program Freeze While Reading FRAM Data to Serial Monitor

I am trying to troubleshoot a sketch that is supposed to read data that has been saved on an FRAM card and then print it onto the serial monitor. Previously, I wrote a sketch that read some altitude sensor data, and wrote it to the FRAM card, but now I am having trouble reading and printing it out.

I don't have much of any background with C++, but after some reading on these forums, I figured out how to use a union to essentially "convert" between the byte storage on the FRAM and the floating point values I am reading off of the sensor. Essentially it reads the sensor value, stores it to a union that contains both a byte structure and a floating point variable, and then writes each individual byte to the FRAM.

That part is successful, which I can see if I dump all the values in hex onto the serial monitor using sample code that came with the FRAM library. So then I wrote a separate sketch to print all the values to the serial monitor as floating point values by going the opposite way. I read each byte, assigned it to the byte structure in the union, and then attempt to print the equivalent floating point value.

Here is my code:

#include <Wire.h>
#include "Adafruit_FRAM_I2C.h"

Adafruit_FRAM_I2C fram     = Adafruit_FRAM_I2C();

int counter = 0; //to count through the bytes of fram

// define a union data type to help store the floating point values in fram
union Utype {
  byte b[4];
  float f;

union Utype memAlt;   //create a union of type Utype to store values

void setup(void) {
  while (!Serial);

  if (fram.begin()) {  // code from the example library that checks to make sure fram board is hooked up correctly
    Serial.println("Found I2C FRAM");
  } else {
    Serial.println("I2C FRAM not identified ... check your connections?\r\n");
    Serial.println("Will continue in case this processor doesn't support repeated start\r\n");

  // Read the first byte and reset it
  uint8_t test = fram.read8(0x0);
  Serial.print("Restarted "); Serial.print(test); Serial.println(" times");
  // Test write ++
  fram.write8(0x0, test + 1);


//Loop throught the fram memory and read the values, then print to monitor
void loop() {

  //read the value from the fram to the union byte values
  if (counter < 32000) {     //32000 used because fram is 32kb)

    memAlt.b[1] = fram.read8(counter + 1); memAlt.b[2] = fram.read8(counter + 2);
    memAlt.b[3] = fram.read8(counter + 3); memAlt.b[4] = fram.read8(counter + 4);


  //print the equivalent floating point number now stored in the union
  counter = counter + 4; //increment your counter to jump to the next set of bytes

After doing some troubleshooting, it starts out ok, gets into the main loop one time, successfully prints "memAlt.f" one time as a floating point, and then on the next time around, it freezes (I guess you call this a hang?) when it enters the if statement for a second time.

At one point during troubleshooting it seemed to almost work when I had a bunch of extra Serial.println statements but I don't understand why that would possibly make a difference.

I am using the following hardware:

Computer: 2012 Mac
FRAM: Adafruit 32kb I2C non-volatile FRAM Adafruit I2C Non-Volatile FRAM Breakout - 256Kbit / 32KByte : ID 1895 : $9.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits
Board: Adafruit Trinket M0

Thanks for any help

C++ array index starts at 0 and not 1

If you're referring to where I start reading off the values in the loop, I start at index 1, because index 0 has been reserved for keeping track of how many times the FRAM board has restarted as shown in the setup.

If you're referring to where I start reading off the values in the loop, I start at index 1, because index 0 has been reserved for keeping track of how many times the FRAM board has restarted as shown in the setup.

You need to restructure your data then.

You need to restructure your data then.

If you could elaborate, I'm not sure what you mean. I wrote the data to the FRAM previously using the same kind of indexing, and the code is able to successfully read the first four bytes (technically 2nd through 5th) and print out the corresponding floating point number before it freezes the next time around

If you could elaborate, I'm not sure what you mean. I wrote the data to the FRAM previously using the same kind of indexing, and the code is able to successfully read the first four bytes (technically 2nd through 5th) and print out the corresponding floating point number before it freezes the next time around

An array of 4 elements are indexed: 0,1,2,3.

That fixed it! I never suspected something like that because I thought it would give me an error when it compiled if I tried to reference something with an index out of range. Can't believe it was something so dumb, but I'm glad it was such an easy fix. Thanks for your help!