I have a simple demonstration arduino program that used to compile and work prior to the 0012 release. Now it will not compile but I get no useful error messages. The program is split into a main program and an include file that has several functions. The program uses the Wire.h library. It will compile if I physically copy the include file into the main program and have only a 1-file sketch.
The main program, arduino_simple:
Simple Arduino-based program to read values from the HRMI using the I2C interface
Arduino HRMI
+5 +5 (Power for the HRMI)
Analog In 5 TX (I2C SCL) (recommend 4.7 kOhm pullup)
Analog In 4 RX (I2C SDA) (recommend 4.7 kOhm pullup)
Note: By default the Arduino Wiring library is limited to a maximum
I2C read of 32 bytes. The Get Heartrate command is limited
by this code to a maximum of 30 values (for a max I2C packet
of 32 bytes).
#include "Wire.h" #include "hrmi_funcs.h"
Configuration Information
Change these constants to match your specific configuration. These
values are the factory default (no OP1-OP7 jumpers installed). Jumper
OP1 should be installed and jumper SJ1 removed.
HRMI_HOST_BAUDRATE should be set to the baudrate the host will use
to communicate with the Arduino over the serial interface.
HRMI_I2C_ADDR should be set to the I2C address the HRMI is configured
Global variables
char serInStr[MAX_IN_BUFFSIZE]; // Serial input string array
int numEntries = 0; // Number of HR values to request
int numRspBytes; // Number of Response bytes to read
byte i2cRspArray[34]; // I2C response array, sized to read 32 HR values
byte hrmi_addr = HRMI_I2C_ADDR; // I2C address to use
Arduino initialization code segment
void setup()
// Initialize the I2C communication
// Initialize the serial interface
Arduino main code loop
void loop()
// Request a set of heart rate values
hrmiCmdArg(hrmi_addr, 'G', (byte) numEntries);
// Get the response from the HRMI
numRspBytes = numEntries + 2;
if (hrmiGetData(hrmi_addr, numRspBytes, i2cRspArray) != -1) {
// send the results back on the serial interface in ASCII form
Serial.print("Request "); Serial.print(numEntries); Serial.print(" => ");
for (int i=0; i<numRspBytes; i++) {
Serial.print(i2cRspArray*, DEC);*
Serial.print(" ");*
// Setup to do it again*
if (++numEntries > 30)*
numEntries = 0;*
delay(1000); // Delay 1 second between commands* }[/font] The include file, hrmi_funcs.h: /* * hrmi_funcs.h * * Arduino library to communicate with a HRMI using I2C * * Written by Dan Julio * Version 1.0, 03/27/2008 * */ //#include <Wire.h> /* * hrmi_open: Initialize the I2C library * This routine must be called before attempting to communicate with I2C */ static void hrmi_open() {
Wire.begin();* } /* * hrmiCmdArg: Send a Command followed by a single Argument */ static void hrmiCmdArg(byte addr, byte cmd, byte arg) {
Wire.endTransmission();* } /* * hrmiCmd: Send a Command with no argument */ static void hrmiCmd(byte addr, byte cmd) {
Wire.endTransmission();* } /* * hrmiGetData: Get the specified number of data bytes from the HRMI into * an array. */ static int hrmiGetData(byte addr, byte numBytes, byte* dataArray) {
It's not usual practice to include C code in an include file and perhaps the Arduino build process doesn't handle this.
You could put your C code in a separate tab by renaming the current hrmi_funcs.h file to hrmi_funcs.cpp and create a header file for this called hrmi_funcs.h that you would include in the sketch:
* hrmi_funcs.h
* Arduino library to communicate with a HRMI using I2C
* Written by Dan Julio
* Version 1.0, 03/27/2008
//#include <Wire.h>
* hrmi_open: Initialize the I2C library
* This routine must be called before attempting to communicate with I2C
static void hrmi_open();
* hrmiCmdArg: Send a Command followed by a single Argument
static void hrmiCmdArg(byte addr, byte cmd, byte arg);
* hrmiCmd: Send a Command with no argument
static void hrmiCmd(byte addr, byte cmd);
* hrmiGetData: Get the specified number of data bytes from the HRMI into
* an array.
static int hrmiGetData(byte addr, byte numBytes, byte* dataArray);
Thanks Mem. I realize my code is non-standard. I wrote it when new to Arduino and had used someone else's code as an example. I may have been lucky it would compile under 0010 and 0011.
I tried what you suggested without luck. It's probably my misunderstanding of C++. I copied the hrmi_funcs.h to hrmi_funcs.cpp and created the new hrmi_funcs.h file exactly as you showed.
With 0011 I get the error message "error: 'void hrmi_open()' used but never defined". This message is shown in both the bar below the edit window and in the message area at the bottom of the window.
With 0012 I get the error message "In function 'void loop()':" in the message area at the bottom of the window and nothing in the bar above the output area (although it turns the burnt orange).
Arduino 0011 - with wprogram.h in hrmi_funcs.h I get errors in it. Without it I get "18: error: Wire.h: No such file or directory In function 'void hrmi_open()': At global scope:" in hrmi_funcs.cpp.
Arduino 0012 - With wprogram.h in hrmi_funcs.h I get "18: error: Wire.h: No such file or directory In function 'void hrmi_open()': At global scope:" in hrmi_funcs.cpp. Without it I get "In function 'void loop()'".
Although my original code was probably structured incorrectly why would it work in 0011 and not in 0012?
I did a check with the changes suggested in my previous post and it compiles without errors for me under 0012. I created a new sketch with your main sketch file (the first file below) I then added two tabs, pasting in the .cpp and .h files
Good luck!
this is the main sketch file:
* Simple Arduino-based program to read values from the HRMI using the I2C interface
* Connections
* Arduino HRMI
* -----------------------
* +5 +5 (Power for the HRMI)
* Analog In 5 TX (I2C SCL) (recommend 4.7 kOhm pullup)
* Analog In 4 RX (I2C SDA) (recommend 4.7 kOhm pullup)
* Note: By default the Arduino Wiring library is limited to a maximum
* I2C read of 32 bytes. The Get Heartrate command is limited
* by this code to a maximum of 30 values (for a max I2C packet
* of 32 bytes).
#include "Wire.h"
#include "hrmi_funcs.h"
* Configuration Information
* Change these constants to match your specific configuration. These
* values are the factory default (no OP1-OP7 jumpers installed). Jumper
* OP1 should be installed and jumper SJ1 removed.
* HRMI_HOST_BAUDRATE should be set to the baudrate the host will use
* to communicate with the Arduino over the serial interface.
* HRMI_I2C_ADDR should be set to the I2C address the HRMI is configured
* with.
#define HRMI_I2C_ADDR 127
* Program constants
#define MAX_IN_BUFFSIZE 16
* Global variables
char serInStr[MAX_IN_BUFFSIZE]; // Serial input string array
int numEntries = 0; // Number of HR values to request
int numRspBytes; // Number of Response bytes to read
byte i2cRspArray[34]; // I2C response array, sized to read 32 HR values
byte hrmi_addr = HRMI_I2C_ADDR; // I2C address to use
* Arduino initialization code segment
void setup()
// Initialize the I2C communication
// Initialize the serial interface
* Arduino main code loop
void loop()
// Request a set of heart rate values
hrmiCmdArg(hrmi_addr, 'G', (byte) numEntries);
// Get the response from the HRMI
numRspBytes = numEntries + 2;
if (hrmiGetData(hrmi_addr, numRspBytes, i2cRspArray) != -1) {
// send the results back on the serial interface in ASCII form
Serial.print("Request "); Serial.print(numEntries); Serial.print(" => ");
for (int i=0; i<numRspBytes; i++) {
Serial.print(i2cRspArray[i], DEC);
Serial.print(" ");
// Setup to do it again
if (++numEntries > 30)
numEntries = 0;
delay(1000); // Delay 1 second between commands
This is hrmi_funcs.h (added as a tab in the same directory as the sketch
* hrmi_funcs.h
* Arduino library to communicate with a HRMI using I2C
* Written by Dan Julio
* Version 1.0, 03/27/2008
//#include <Wire.h>
#include <wprogram.h>
* hrmi_open: Initialize the I2C library
* This routine must be called before attempting to communicate with I2C
void hrmi_open();
* hrmiCmdArg: Send a Command followed by a single Argument
void hrmiCmdArg(byte addr, byte cmd, byte arg);
* hrmiCmd: Send a Command with no argument
void hrmiCmd(byte addr, byte cmd);
* hrmiGetData: Get the specified number of data bytes from the HRMI into
* an array.
int hrmiGetData(byte addr, byte numBytes, byte* dataArray);
hrmi_funcs.cpp in the same directory added as a tab
* hrmi_funcs.cpp
* Arduino library to communicate with a HRMI using I2C
* Written by Dan Julio
* Version 1.0, 03/27/2008
#include <Wire.h>
#include "hrmi_funcs.h"
* hrmi_open: Initialize the I2C library
* This routine must be called before attempting to communicate with I2C
void hrmi_open()
* hrmiCmdArg: Send a Command followed by a single Argument
void hrmiCmdArg(byte addr, byte cmd, byte arg)
* hrmiCmd: Send a Command with no argument
void hrmiCmd(byte addr, byte cmd)
* hrmiGetData: Get the specified number of data bytes from the HRMI into
* an array.
int hrmiGetData(byte addr, byte numBytes, byte* dataArray)
Wire.requestFrom(addr, numBytes);
if (Wire.available()) {
for (int i=0; i<numBytes; i++)
dataArray[i] = Wire.receive();