Program not displaing any ddata in decimals

I am trying to measure the angle of a facet maching using a pot. I want the angle to be accurate to 00.00 so I am using a 16 bit ad converter to take the readings because the 10 bit on the nano are not accurate enough.
2 problems:

  1. when I take any reading the angle is always xx.00 nothing in the decilmals.
  2. the buzzer never goes off

all of the Serial.print lines are for debug when it is working they will be commented out.

I store the calibration for the pot in the eprom at 90 degrees and 0 degrees.
I take 10 readings to get a good average.
I store the total of the 10 readings for 90 and 0
I do not bother to divide by 10 to save cycles.

more explination of wireing in the comments.

// i have 3 switches connected to ground the other is on a1, a2, a3
// a pot is connected to ground and 5 volts with the sweep on pin A1 on 16 bit ad 115
// a buzzer is connected to ground and pin D3
// an ic2 lcd is connected to power, ground, pinds 4 and 5
//an i2c 115 ad converter is connected power, ground, pin 4 and 5
//ad tested standalone
// i store calibration values in the eprom
// all of the serial.print are for debut will be commented out when working
// the goal is to read a percision linear pot and display it as an angle with 1 or2 digits of percision
// 2 modes read and calibration
// in calibration you set the no digits and calubrate the pot at 90 and 0  which are then stored in eprom
// in read mode a pot reading is taken and displayed
// if in read mode you press set then the angle is stored and if that angle is the same or less then a buzzer is set off
// if the angle is not the same the buzzer is turned off
// in read if clear button is set then the buzzer is turned off

// Include necessary libraries
#include <Wire.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
#include <EEPROM-Storage.h>
#include <Bounce2.h>
#include <ADS1X15.h>

// Define pin mappings
const int potentiometer_pin = A0;
const int set_button_pin = A1;
const int clear_button_pin = A2;
const int mode_button_pin = A3;
const int buzzer_pin = 6;  // D3 for buzzer

// set up the buttons
//instanciste tbe buttons
Bounce2::Button set_button = Bounce2::Button();    // INSTANTIATE A Bounce2::Button OBJECT
Bounce2::Button clear_button = Bounce2::Button();  // INSTANTIATE A Bounce2::Button OBJECT
Bounce2::Button mode_button = Bounce2::Button();   // INSTANTIATE A Bounce2::Button OBJECT

// set op ads

ADS1115 ADS(0x48);

// Define constants and variables
const char version[5] = "v1.0";
float angle = 0.0;
float buzzer_angle = 0.0;
long zero = 0;
EEPROMStorage<long> epromzero(0, 0);
long ninety = 0;
EEPROMStorage<long> epromninety(90, 0);
int mode = 0;      // 0 - Read, 1 - Calibrate
int decimals = 2;  // Default to two decimal places
EEPROMStorage<long> epromdecimals(40, 2);
long totalVoltage = 0;
int buzzer_on = 0;  //buzzer is off
long pot_reading = 0;
int mode_button_state = 1;   // used to do things once
int set_button_state = 1;    // used to do things once
int clear_button_state = 1;  //used to do things once
// LCD object initialization
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2);  // LCD address 0x27, 16 chars by 2 lines
// Time tracking variables
unsigned long lastButtonPressTime = 0;
unsigned long currentTime = 0;
void setup() {
  // Initialize LCD, pins, etc.
  lcd.init();       // Initialize LCD with 16 columns and 2 rows
  lcd.backlight();  // Turn on backligh
  //init ad
  set_button.attach(set_button_pin, INPUT_PULLUP);  //set up the set button
  set_button.interval(10);                          //set button debounce time
  set_button.setPressedState(LOW);                  //set button pressed state
  clear_button.attach(clear_button_pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  mode_button.attach(mode_button_pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(potentiometer_pin, INPUT);  //set the pot pin
  pinMode(buzzer_pin, OUTPUT);        //set the buzzer pin
  ninety = epromninety;               // set the variable from the eprom
  zero = epromzero;                   // set thevariable from the eprom
  decimals = epromdecimals;           // set the variable from he eprom

void loop() {
  // set gain
  currentTime = millis();
  if (ninety == 0) {  // if ninety is 0 then the machines calibration
    mode = 1;
  if (mode_button.fell()) {
    mode = 1;  // incriment mode
    lastButtonPressTime = currentTime;
  if (currentTime - lastButtonPressTime > 60000) {
    mode = 0;  // Default to Read mode if no action for 1 minute

  // Handle modes
  switch (mode) {
    case 0:  // Read mode
             // lcd.clear();
      //lcd.print("in read mode");
      // Handle SET button
      if (set_button.fell()) {
        buzzer_on = 1;
        buzzer_angle = angle;
        lastButtonPressTime = currentTime;
        Serial.print("buzzer on");
      // Handle CLEAR button
      if (clear_button.fell()) {
        buzzer_on = 0;
        lastButtonPressTime = currentTime;
        Serial.println("buzzer off");

      if (mode_button.fell()) {
        mode = 1;
        lastButtonPressTime = currentTime;

    case 1:  // Calibrate mode
      //  lcd.clear();
      //  lcd.print("Set = 1 decimal");
      //  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
      //  lcd.print("Clear for 2");

      Serial.println("set for 1 dec clear for 2 ");
      while ((!set_button.fell()) && (!clear_button.fell())) {
        Serial.println("1 or 2 ");
      Serial.println("at test of which buttn");
      if (set_button.fell()) {
        epromdecimals = 1;
        decimals = 1;
        lastButtonPressTime = currentTime;
        Serial.println("set pressed");
      if (clear_button.fell()) {
        epromdecimals = 2;
        decimals = 2;
        lastButtonPressTime = currentTime;
        Serial.println("clear pressed");
      Serial.println("set to 90 and hit set ");
      //  lcd.clear();
      //  lcd.print("Set to 90");
      //  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
      //  lcd.print("Press SET");
      // Wait for SET button press
      while (!set_button.fell()) {
        //  lcd.clear();
        Serial.println("waiting for 90");
        //  lcd.print("waiting for 90");
      // this is to do the loop only once on a long press of thebutton
      ninety = totalVoltage;
      epromninety = totalVoltage;
      lastButtonPressTime = currentTime;

      //    lcd.clear();
      //    lcd.print("90° set: ");
      //    lcd.print(ninety);
      Serial.println("ninety set ");
      Serial.println("set to 0 ");
      // lcd.clear();
      // lcd.print("Set to 0");
      // lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
      // lcd.print("Press SET");
      // Wait for SET button press for zero degree calibration
      while (!set_button.fell()) {
        //  lcd.clear();
        Serial.println("waiting for 0");
        //  lcd.print("waiting for 0");
      // this is to do the loop only once on a long press of thebutton
      zero = totalVoltage;
      epromzero = totalVoltage;
      lastButtonPressTime = currentTime;
      mode = 0;
      Serial.println("zero set");
      //end if while
      //    lcd.clear();
      //    lcd.print("90° set: ");
      //    lcd.print(ninety);

      break;  // end of case 1

void displayAngle() {
  if (decimals == 1) {
    lcd.print("Angle = ");
    lcd.print(angle, 1);
    Serial.print("angle = ");
  } else {
    Serial.print("angle is ");
    lcd.print("Angle = ");
    lcd.print(angle, 2);
  if (buzzer_on == 1) {
    lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
    lcd.print("Busser at ");
    if (angle <= buzzer_angle) {
      digitalWrite(buzzer_pin, HIGH);
  } else {
    lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
    lcd.print("Buzzer off");
    digitalWrite(buzzer_pin, LOW);
    Serial.println("no bzz");

void readall() {
void readpot() {
  totalVoltage = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    pot_reading = ADS.readADC(1);
    totalVoltage += pot_reading;
  angle = (totalVoltage - zero) / ((ninety - zero) / 90);
type or paste code here

do I need to play with multiplying by 100 and later dividing by 100 to get decimal data?

I think I figured out the decimal issue. I was dig=viding by 90 when I changed it to 90.00 I got data is the decimals. now for the buzzer

I figured out the buzzer, I was having trouble defining D3 so I tried to use a pin ref I looked up and had it wrong, I das originally using A0 as input for the pot, but with the 16 bit ad I did not need it, so i put the buzzer on A0. it worked, i lso added and else in the if buxxer on to turn of off when the ngle is more than th angle set/ otherwide the buxxxer never stopped.

not to find out how to quiet t the thing, it i to loud. I hat to use delays.

I may add a volum pot to the circuite