Program one Arduino from another? (Dead FTDI...)


How can we use one Arduino to program or upload code to another? (Perhaps connecting the TX/RX pins of one to the other while uploading code?)

We have an Arduino Diecimila with what appears to be a dead FTDI (it ignores input from USB), but the new Duemilanove we have works fine...


Program the ATmega 168 on the good Duemilanove then move it to the other board



you can do what Gnu_Linux said. But doing this, you will remove/install two IC´s every time.

Alternatively you can remove only the IC of the good board, and connect only tx/tx, rx/rx and gnd/gnd (without gnd it will not work) of both boards, and program the bad board using the "brainless" good board. Of course, the USB connection is only connected from the good board to the computer.

Don´t forget to feed the bad board with DC.

Fantastic -- thanks so much for the replies! Onward!!