Hello Forum,
I am currently using an Arduino Mega 2560 along with a 4D Systems uLCD-43PT resistive touchscreen.
I wrote some code to poll button pushes on the touchscreen and then update 3 Visi-Genie objects (4DSystems) on the touchscreen within a non-blocking delay.
If the user selects one of the buttons on the touchscreen, the code turns 2 solenoid valves and a pump on and/or off using mosfets.
I purchased some mosfet modules COM-12959 from Sparkfun to handle the higher voltage and current requirements of the solenoid valves and pump.
See code below:
void loop()
genie.DoEvents(); // poll for button presses, keypad, slider, dipswitch
if(updateTimer > millis()) updateTimer = millis(); // reset timer if overflow
if(millis() - updateTimer > 250) // update display every 250ms
updateTimer = millis(); // reset the updateTimer
The problem is that the code runs for about 30 seconds and then freezes up if I let the code run through loop()....even if I don't make any button presses on the touchscreen. Is this a watchdog timer issue?