I wanted to extend my code and start using data loggin on the SD card on my WiFi shield.
As soon as I add;
#include <SD.h>
Code won't run anymore... Nothing zero, nadah...
I'm not doing anything else, I don't initialize the SD card, I'm not adressing one function on the SD.h lib, only the one include line, and my program doesn't run any more...
The SD library has to use SRAM for buffering. You have probably run out of SRAM.
Do you have any string constants being printed? Like "Serial.print("Example message.");"? If so you can keep those string constants out of SRAM with "Serial.print(F("Example message."));". That will save a lot of SRAM space with minimal effort.
I even used a lib SDlib.h that robs almost 1.5K SRAM from arduino but still was able to write a decent long program as I practiced caution on SRAM preservation. Your code must not be doing that. Post it. It's only 500 lines.