Programação TCC - 2 sensores HC-SR04 - Problemas - URGENTE

Hello people are you okay?

My name is Pedro and I am studying the 4th and last module of my mechatronics technician.

I am developing an electronic cane for my tcc that is able to detect objects ahead and warn the person who uses it with a beep and a vibracall indicating the distance

There are two sensors, one below the cane (sensor1) and the other one in the middle (sensor2)

When sensor1 detects objects it emits a beep

When sensor2 detects objects it triggers vibracall

The two sensors use their own delay

PROBLEMS: In practice when there is a delay in the sensor1 there will also be a delay in the sensor2 and vice versa, thus preventing the beep and / or the vibracall from working individually.

SOLUTION: Make the sensors work individually, but how?

Following the schedule:

// Ultrasonic - Version: Latest
#include <Ultrasonic.h>

#define vibra 3
#define bip 4

#define pino_trigger 6
#define pino_trigger2 8

#define pino_echo 5
#define pino_echo2 7

Ultrasonic ultrasonic(pino_trigger, pino_echo);//sensor 1
Ultrasonic ultrasonic2(pino_trigger2, pino_echo2);//sensor 2

float s1;
float s2;

void setup()


void loop()
//Le as informacoes do sensor 1
long microsec = ultrasonic.timing();
s1 = ultrasonic.convert(microsec, Ultrasonic::CM);

//Le as informacoes do sensor 2
long microsec2 = ultrasonic2.timing();
s2 = ultrasonic2.convert(microsec2, Ultrasonic::CM);

if (s1 < 10)

digitalWrite(vibra, HIGH); //liga bip

else if ((s1 > 9)&&(s1 < 130))

digitalWrite(vibra, HIGH);
digitalWrite(vibra, LOW);

else if ((s1 > 129)&&(s1 < 300))

digitalWrite(vibra, HIGH);
digitalWrite(vibra, LOW);

else if (s1 > 299)

digitalWrite(vibra, LOW);


if (s2 < 10)

digitalWrite(bip, HIGH);

else if ((s2 > 9)&&(s2 < 130))

digitalWrite(bip, HIGH);
digitalWrite(bip, LOW);

else if ((s2 > 129)&&(s2 < 300))

digitalWrite(bip, HIGH);
digitalWrite(bip, LOW);

else if (s2 > 299)

digitalWrite(bip, LOW);

Serial.print(" Sensor 1: ");
Serial.print(" - Sensor 2: ");


I ask the help of those who can help, I am a beginner and thank you from now on!

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