Hi every one
I tried to use the DS1307 for my solar tracker's project but I have a Nightmare problem, i wired up the ds1307 with arduino like i read in the manuel of "adafruit"
GND => GND in arduino
5v => 5v
SDA => pin 4
SCL => pin 5
i upload the sketch to arduino and open the terminal port on 57500 bps i get a wrong time and date
without counting the time as it appear in the picture
I thought that's is Ok because in the document they mention it, after that i uncomment the line
//RTC.adjust(DateTime(DATE, TIME));
which should allow the DS1307 to get the correct time from my computer and start counting the time
but there's nothing change the clock still displaying a wrong time and date and without moving.
i don't understand where the mistake i did everything right, i tried other libraries and other sketches because i thought the problem with the sketch but nothing change
please if anyone know how to solve this problem i'll appreciate the help because i'm running out of the time to present my project