Programing mulitple arduino's from one connection


I'm trying to configure a distributed system with multiple Arduino boards (two mega2560's and three uno's). I want to only connect to one of them (one of the mega boards) to upload programs and access data from all. I'm thinking i2c is the way to go but not clear if I can update the software that way. Does anyone have a suggestion for the best way to do this? Thanks.

In theory you can write a bootloader to program the chip after getting data from anywhere, including I2C I would think.

It's not a job for the faint hearted though.

Connecting all the serial ports in a network might be easier, but you'll have to both write a protocol and the bootloaders (one for the 328 and another for the 2560 chips).

How far apart are these boards? Not far I assume if you were thinking of using I2C.


I've already searched for some sort of TWI bootloader with no luck..

In that case I guess you're on your own. I think Optiboot is open source, maybe you could mod it to get data from the I2C port instead of the UART.
