Programmer not responding

I'm a novice, and have been successfully running some of the tutorial programs.
Today I tried to upload a fairly long program, and got an error:
"avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding"
I've tried resetting with the re-set button, disconnecting the circuit, disconnecting USB and power, with no results. The onboard LED keeps blinking.

I tried to upload a very short program....same result.

It's a Diecemilla board...running on OS 10.5.5

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

Did you check the troubleshooting guide:

Thanks for responding. I have been through all the troubleshooting recommendations, with no results. I have a second board which is working fine, but I have not tried to upload the program which caused the problem with the first board.....

The program below is a shorter version of the script which caused the problem....the longer version would not fit in this reply...there were 1823 values in the array, but it seemed fit in the memory of the Arduino. It is to display a long array of RGB color values on an RGB LED connected to the Arduino.

I've had no problem with a simpler program which simply cycles the RGB LED through the spectrum.

Thanks for any help....

// Quick Script to output the color map tile values to Arduino LEDs

// Define Output Pins for LED Control
int redPin = 10; // Red LED, connected to digital pin 9
int greenPin = 9; // Green LED, connected to digital thatpin 10
int bluePin = 11; // Blue LED, connected to digital pin 11
int inPin = 2; // choose the input pin (for a pushbutton)

// Program variables
int pause = 10; // delay in milliseconds

// Define RGB data arrays from the Babel Image file . . . .
int RED[] = { 99, 153, 144, 199, 84, 227, 43, 68, 194, 230, 99, 188, 162, 75, 223, 176, 164, 223, 132, 71, 192, 190, 217, 26, 70, 114, 107, 192, 210, 147, 205, 91, 118, 172, 192, 27, 76, 101, 47, 198, 98, 224, 30, 147, 45, 145, 34, 33, 194, 38, 137, 185, 172, 97, 93, 45, 108, 28, 196, 203, 119, 101, 58, 162, 63, 208, 32, 165, 190, 38, 102, 199, 50, 115, 224, 98, 203, 203, 199, 190, 38, 70, 134, 166, 60, 179, 215, 137, 160, 93, 30, 161, 135, 140, 219, 156, 155, 90, 154, 219, 31, 151, 209, 229, 56, 197, 45, 44, 90, 55, 78, 191, 195, 34, 190, 112, 226, 112, 73, 224, 217, 106, 162, 60, 187, 28, 178, 94, 116, 227, 134, 68, };

int GRN[] = { 140, 166, 213, 87, 169, 204, 162, 84, 52, 128, 187, 50, 182, 95, 197, 160, 178, 25, 40, 216, 189, 193, 33, 48, 229, 198, 79, 181, 211, 68, 202, 224, 173, 35, 24, 166, 44, 148, 221, 173, 172, 75, 98, 156, 161, 147, 53, 130, 100, 106, 217, 229, 218, 188, 25, 109, 224, 102, 58, 94, 201, 223, 37, 137, 210, 153, 147, 146, 161, 43, 104, 63, 172, 76, 39, 221, 91, 227, 129, 113, 224, 229, 124, 148, 78, 183, 57, 85, 178, 126, 70, 108, 47, 164, 143, 129, 123, 91, 155, 153, 43, 91, 160, 51, 72, 213, 192, 157, 225, 173, 65, 227, 109, 211, 68, 48, 41, 72, 175, 63, 113, 131, 62, 33, 126, 100, 225, 59, 96, 195, 150, 104, };

int BLU[] = { 15, 101, 210, 93, 68, 35, 29, 93, 136, 130, 45, 141, 192, 203, 180, 181, 26, 87, 155, 135, 164, 96, 49, 47, 228, 28, 131, 30, 48, 41, 39, 56, 35, 181, 206, 122, 27, 109, 206, 41, 230, 211, 136, 225, 103, 149, 59, 148, 50, 212, 194, 176, 45, 203, 63, 69, 36, 101, 194, 227, 52, 96, 156, 41, 29, 102, 25, 26, 24, 45, 163, 171, 91, 50, 36, 83, 163, 27, 78, 220, 98, 205, 115, 81, 165, 218, 100, 159, 60, 138, 81, 113, 215, 187, 127, 52, 160, 214, 206, 216, 98, 83, 155, 109, 194, 210, 220, 189, 214, 74, 126, 28, 192, 164, 94, 26, 101, 104, 124, 126, 125, 79, 218, 124, 136, 117, 38, 51, 218, 125, 219, 52, 28, 201, 42, 36, };

void setup()
pinMode(redPin, OUTPUT); // sets the pins as output
pinMode(greenPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(bluePin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(inPin, INPUT);

// Main program
void loop()
for (int i = 0; i < 1823; i = i+1)
{ analogWrite(redPin, RED*);*
_ analogWrite(greenPin, GRN*);_
_ analogWrite(bluePin, BLU);
// Optional transition . . . blink between colors*
* analogWrite(redPin, 10);
analogWrite(greenPin, 10);
analogWrite(bluePin, 10);
// - - - EOF - - - -*_