Programmer required for help with a project

I need help!

I think I need someone who is pretty conversant with the Arduino Mega and programming it.

I have a science project that needs to monitor 6 sensors:

  1. Temperature of a liquid at the top of a tank
  2. Temperature of a liquid at the bottom of a tank
  3. Radiated heat (from about 150mm from the tank
  4. Current - Max 30 amps
  5. Voltage - Max 25 volts DC
  6. Radiation - counts per minute

I have bought the radiation detector which has a serial output of the count value (NetIO GC10) which runs really well.

I have a SD Shield with on-board clock

I have also bought an Arduino Mega 2560 and the other sensors.

I thought I could do it myself but I am no programmer, not by a long stretch and I'm running out of time.

I need to log the ongoing results of 5 day experiment to SD card so that I can analyse the results in Excel or similar application.

Is there anyone out there who could help me with this? some $US, Euro or £UK in return.

Have you looked over this?

I can help with this.

Take a quick look at my website and them drop me a PM or email if you want to get int touch.

Cheers Pete.