Programming 7x80RG LED matrix

Hi all! have two LED scrolling displays that I took apart to harvest the M500-7X80RG PCBs out of to turn into a stopwatch. I'm completely new to LED matrices and programming them. The only documentation online I've found to programming these displays is this GitHub repo. When I started to wire the display to my Arduino as shown and plugged the display into power, my Arduino Uno immediately got really hot and I unplugged it. The power supply going into the display outputs 5V at a max of 6A.
My question is, where do I start and how do I go about programming this? As I've said before, I've found almost no documentation online for a method to do so.
Here's a pic of the PCB:

Thank you for your help!

The chart doesn't show where power is coming from.

When all LEDs are on, the LED matrix draws about 4A. Your Arduino can't supply that. Use 2.5mm plug P1 on the LED matrix to supply it with 5V.

Did you do that?

Please post a schematic, hand drawn and take a picture of it is fastest and easiest and entirely adequate.

Be sure to show all connections between components, with attention to power sources and how they are wired to get power to the parts that need it.

Nothing you doing if correct should ever make your UNO even barely warm.


Here's a picture of my setup:

Also, I rewired the entire thing (again) and this time nothing happened, nothing heated up at all. The power is supplied through the barrel jack in on the PCB. I don't have a schematic of the PCB, nor could I find one anywhere. The only connections I've made myself are the connections described from the PCB to the Arduino.

you should check if this barrel connected to something at all.

Not sure what you mean by that. The barrel definitely is supplying power to the PCB. I'm not sure what it connects to on the PCB though (as I've said, I can find almost no documentation for this PCB anywhere).

how do you check this? just sure? or some proofs?

When the cable is plugged in, I can connect a cable from the positive terminal on the connector to one of the LED matrices and they light up. Additionally, when I have the original controller (the one that came with the sign) attached to the PCB, when it is plugged in it beeps and makes noise.

did it used barrel connector?

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