Programming a mega168 using an arduino uno mega328


Please, does anybody have an idea of how to use an arduino Uno 328 as an ISP to program a Mega 168 on a breadboard. I have
done it with a ATTiny45 using this tutorial;

I believe it must be similar.


The tutorial at should work equally well for programming your atmega168 on a breadboard, just specify the different processor when you select the target board. You can use the Uno to do the programming if you disable the auto-reset.

I am just trying to work the tutorial out. From the post I made:
the onboard atmega328 is programmed to be an isp, then the avrtiny is connected to the arduino on a breadboard. Under boards I just select attiny45 w/ Arduino as ISP. Choose my program and it burns to the attiny.
I cant quite understand how to do this from the tutorial you posted for the mega168. Can I do the same thing: program the atmega328 as an ISP, wire the mega168 up on a breadboard like they have shown, but I need the boards.txt file for a mega168 dont I? Do you have this and could post it for me?
Like in the tutorial I posted, the image has a 10uF capacitor between reset and ground, can I just do this to overcome the problem you mentioned in your last reply?
If I had the board.txt for a mega168 on a breadboard, I would have thought I could do it the same way?

I cant quite understand how to do this from the tutorial you posted for the mega168. Can I do the same thing: program the atmega328 as an ISP, wire the mega168 up on a breadboard like they have shown, but I need the boards.txt file for a mega168 dont I? Do you have this and could post it for me?
Like in the tutorial I posted, the image has a 10uF capacitor between reset and ground, can I just do this to overcome the problem you mentioned in your last reply?
If I had the board.txt for a mega168 on a breadboard, I would have thought I could do it the same way?

Yes, the capacitor disables the auto-reset. You can easily add new processors to the boards.txt file using a text editor. You may find that one of the existing entries (e.g. "Arduino NG or older w/ ATmega168") will suffice.

Thanks I will try that, how do you write the information for a chip to go in the boards.txt file? I tried editing an existing entry for the 168 but wasnt succesful, however I'll try your sugestion first.

So i wired it up (my mega168) to a breadboard, and according to the diagram on the link you posted (using the arduino as an isp), I stuck a led on pin 19 of the mega168 which is arduino digital pin 13. I programmed the arduino to be the isp, then tried to program the mega168 using the board spec NG arduino w/ mega168. the led flashes as it is being programmed, but i get an error:
verification error, first mismatch at byte 0x0000
0x0c != 0x00
avrdude: verification error; content mismatch
any ideas whats up?