So I can program a Duemilanove just fine using an RN-42. I've broken out the DTR pin and connected it via a cap. Everything works fine.
I switched to a Mega 2560 and it just won't work. First off I couldn't get it to auto reset, but though trial and error I fixed this by upping the cap to 10uF.
Not it auto resets just fine and appears to do something for a few seconds, but then just continues the old program and AVRdude hangs.
I've tried changing the BT device to 115.2kbps and 57.6kbps, neither work.
DTR/CTS/RTS signals do not work with BT modules. You need to set BT module according to: Arduino Forum
It works fine with my UNO..
As I said I've broken out the DTR pin from the BT module. I can reprogram other Arduinos just fine, and I it's resetting the Mega 2560, but it's just not syncin up.