Programming an ATTiny85

hi all,
I'm looking at a project to create some effects with an LED strip using an ATTiny85. I've watched a guide on youtube showing how to programme the attint with an arduino uno and breadboard but I am a bit confused at to the other options available. I have seen this- which I assume will remove the need for the arduino but I can't find anywhere in the UK that sell them. Alternatively does this the same thing but I assume it piggybacks onto an arduino board?

sorry for my ignorance and thanks for any advice you can offer.



Second one in op is digispark, relies on a special vusb bootloader. Kind of a hackjob, I don't recommend.

I use plain old usbasps to program attinys. Under $5 on ebay

I also use USBasp. I made this breadboard adaptor so that I could program the tiny without removing it from the circuit, and to power the circuit through the USBasp during development.

Thanks for the replies :slight_smile:
I saw those USBasp units with the ribbon cable but wasn't sure how they worked.
So all I should need is what PaulRB has shown in the image?
