Programming Arduino using Arduino

I purchased 10 Arduino Uno chips with the bootloader pre-loaded. I put them on a breadboard and got everything ready. Now, I would like to program this arduino using an Arduino Mega. Here is what i am purposing, Could I put a capacitor between the reset pin and the 5v pin on the mega (to prevent mega reset), and then after that wire the TX, and RX pins between the UNO chip and the mega. This way I am using the serial interface of the mega to program the uno without the mega having to worry about anything and the arduino to just do what it is told. Here is the setup example of what i am purposing. Is this possible?

(if the picture didn't work, i uploaded it to

To use the MEGA as a USB-to-Serial adapter, connect a jumper wire from the Reset pin to the Ground pin. This will hold the processor in Reset.

Connect Pin 0 of the MEGA to Pin 0 of the target Arduino.
Connect Pin 1 of the MEGA to Pin 1 of the target Arduino.
Connect Ground of the MEGA to Ground of the target Arduino.

Unfortunately with the Reset line held low you won't be able to use Auto Reset. You will have to manually reset the target Arduino when you want to do an upload. Just hold the Reset button of the target Arduino until you get the "Binary Sketch Size:" message or until its Receive LED blinks.

THANK YOU SO MUCH! You just saved me $$ Thank You.