I got myself an atmel at89c55wd, but I'm not really skilled at programming those chips on its own, since I only use Arduino USB to serial.
So, my question is what should I use to properly program it.
Trust me, I really tried to google how to do it, but nothing seems to be exactly what I wanted, so I'm asking here, thanks for all of your replies
It's an 8051-core chip, which means it barely supports C, doesn't have a C++ compiler, and won't run Arduino. It also doesn't have a serial programming interface or bootloader support, which pretty much means that you need to take the chip out of your project and put it into some kind of programming device to load code into it.
There's a fair amount of info on the web under "8051" or "8052" - the AT89C55 has more flash memory (and it IS at least flash, so you won't need a UV eraser in addition to the programmer.)
You should probably throw it away and buy an Arduino Clone or an AVR chip.