Programming ATTiny85 With A Blown Arduino Uno?

I ordered another Arduino Uno today to replace the one I burned due to a faulty mosfet. I have an ATTiny85 I tried for almost 2 days to program using my Arduino Mega and for whatever reason it would not work. I wanted to also order a little programming board with the Arduino Uno just in case but opted for some other gadgets instead. The programming boards I looked at were very cheap and seemed to only consist of a socket for the Tiny, a USB plug, and a little chip I am guessing is a serial to USB. Is it in any way possible to use my burned Arduino Uno, that works fine other than the chip, to just serve as an interface for the ATTiny85 so I can program it.

Unless you get bootloader to the ATTiny it is not possible directly.

Nope, it's not a serial to USB chip on the programmer, since you can't program an avr with serial unless it's already been bootloaded, and bootloader on tiny85 isn't commonly used. it's probably a USBasp or a usbtinyisp hardwired to the socket.

Moreover, usually the USB interface on the uno is what fails first anyway...