Programming attiny85

I'm programming attiny85 for tone and changing the stuff inside boards.txt according to or the file from Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting.

I got stuck in the place where is says In the " “boards.txt” file, change the “upload.tool” entries to the
appropriate value for your setup."
Can anyone help me with this please?

Not sure what your trying to do there with all that changing of files but here is a pretty good tutorial explaining how burn arduino code to an attiny or atmega.

I think you are talking about this part of the boards.txt

Just uncomment the programmer you are using, in this example I'm using ArduinoISP

# The following DO work (pick one)...
# attiny85at16e.upload.protocol=avrispv2
# attiny85at16e.upload.using=pololu

I had no trouble programming an Attiny45 using the instructions on this page and

However those links aren't working now and someone else mentioned there are copies here

High-Low Tech – Programming an ATtiny w/ Arduino 1.0 and
High-Low Tech – Arduino board as ATtiny programmer

I don't know why the original website isn't working. It was. It wasn't. It was. And now it isn't again.


hello, i have the same problem and i dont find solution can anyone help me?

you dont need the programmer connecting to arduino here is a guide to solve everything
all the steps are there just connect as it says and you can program

here is the link for all the steps