Programming error with nano

Trying to program this code

get that error

C:\Users\Oguzhan\Desktop\ps1-to-neogeo-ctrl-V1.0\ps1-to-neogeo-ctrl-V1.0.ino:47:10: fatal error: Psx.h: No such file or directory
#include <Psx.h> // Includes the Psx Library
compilation terminated.
exit status 1

Compilation error: Psx.h: No such file or directory

Welcome to the forum

Have you installed the Psx library and, if so, where is Psx.h located on your PC ?

Welcome thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

I couldn't find how to manually install libraries. When i go through manage libraries i can only search what is on database. How can i install psx.h manually?

ROOT Folder

File locations

The usual way is to download a zip and use sketch/include libraries/add .zip library.

If you did download the the code from the page you linked, you will find the Psx library under the lib directory. Copy that Psx directory to the libraries directory that is under the sketchbook directory.

OK, we did post at the same time. So you need to copy that Psx directory to the libraries directory.

There were no folder names libraries in root. I ve created and put psx folder and compiling gave no error.

Now i have programmed nano and will give it a try.


didnt work.

Is that normal i see my nano in device manager as "USB SERIAL CH340"

or i just change drivers?

Second question: After changing psx.h folder when i say compile it compiled. Then i just pushed "upload". Is this the way?

My device says NANO on it and has a chip labeled ATMEL MEGA 328P if i can read correctly

Hi @oguzog.

Yes, it is normal. This means you bought one of the cheap Chinese "Nano" derivative boards instead of an Arduino Nano. The derivative boards use the WCH CH340 USB chip, which causes them to appear as this device in Windows Device Manager.

When you perform an "Upload" operation in Arduino IDE, it actually performs two operations:

  1. Verify/Compile
  2. Upload

So there is no need to manually trigger a "Verify/Compile" operation each time before performing an "Upload" operation because Arduino IDE takes care of this for you automatically.

You might want to manually trigger a "Verify/Compile" operation in cases where you want to check whether the compiler considers your code valid (and also whether it will warn you about potential non-fatal problems assuming you have enabled "Compiler warnings" in the Arduino IDE preferences), but aren't ready to upload the sketch to your board yet. You can even compile sketches for boards you don't even own in case you want to see whether or not the code is valid for that board (which you might like to know if considering purchasing a different board model for your project, or helping someone else who is using a board you don't own).

I wasn't aware. Any differences? Is that why it is not working?

In the future, if you want to purchase boards manufactured by Arduino and support the work Arduino does to provide free open source software, documentation, and hardware designs to the community, you can buy from one of these sources:

You must manually install the driver for the CH340 chip, which can be a bit challenging for some users. But you have clearly already accomplished that since the device is being recognized correctly in Device Manager and you are successfully uploading.

Other than that, you probably won't notice any difference. Even though the Arduino company is in the business of selling boards, the open source ideals are a strong presence throughout the Arduino initiative as a whole. So both the company and community make efforts to ensure support for a large and ever growing ecosystem of hardware, even though some of that hardware is in direct competition with their products.

Unfortunately many (with some very notable exceptions) of the 3rd party hardware manufacturers have not at all reciprocated in that open source spirit. These manufacturers never publish the design files for their derivative boards and don't make any effort to contribute to the software and community support efforts upon which the financial success of their products rely.

I have no idea. This is the first you've said anything about it "not working". Your previous replies indicated everything is working fine.

Please provide a detailed description of what you mean by "not working" in a reply on this forum thread, including:

  • What did you do?
  • What were the results you expected from doing that thing?
  • What were the results you observed that did not match your expectations?

Make sure to include the full and exact text of any error or warning messages you might have encountered.

Well, my problem was unable to program nano device with specific code. Then i did. So this is resolved.

But device doesnt work as expected. Any chance i program it wrong?

We need far more information than that if we are to have any hope of helping you. I asked you several questions in my previous reply. Why didn't you answer them?

Please keep in mind that the only things we know about your system and project are what you write here on the forum. You are the only one who has access to the complete set of information. So if you want to get effective assistance here on the forum, it is essential for you make a strong effort at communication. It might feel like that is a lot of work, but I assure you it is actually less work in the end than spending days or weeks of frustrating back and forth as we try desperately to squeeze the information we need out of you. The choice of how this will go is up to you.

Okay, you're right. Here is everything.

You know the page of the project linked in my first message. I downloaded it and coded it (with the help of here) and was able to program it successfully.

The project allows you to use a PS1 controller in NEO GEO systems.

I soldered my nano clone and other connectors, but when I connected it to my NEO GEO system and connected the ps1 joypad it didn't work. I can see a red light on the nano but it doesn't seem to work. I didn't go into this much detail before because it seems like the topic is going somewhere beyond arduino.

Maybe the project has some problems. So I want to know if I programmed my nano correctly and if there will be any problems because I am not using the original nano.

After programming the arduino IDE Software said successfully compiled/uploaded.

Try to upload a some well-known example to your Nano - say Blink example sketch - and see whether it will work.

Can you suggest something else which doesn't require resistors or leds?

Blink example with on-board led doesn't require neither external led nor resistor.

Then i have i found wrong one :slight_smile: sorry :slight_smile:

I thought that one

i will look again.

It was in menus. My bad.

I have tried "blink" example.

After successfully upload. "L" led started to blinking. So i can assume My nano works as expected right?

It was a very basic test only, but it seems to work.
At least now we know, that you make compile and upload right.