i was buying different ESP Devices (ESP01, ESP01s, NodeMCU1, ESP32). I am looking to build some Wireless Tempereature and Humidty Sensors and wanna test the different Boards, finding the one with the least Power usage and sufficient calculating Power.
I could Programm the NodeMCU1 with the Arduino IDE and set it up so i can get the data on the nodeRed Dashboard with MQTT but i cant get code on the ESP01+ESP01s. I am using a USB to TTL Programmer and i can see that the LED on the ESPs is flashing when i Upload the compiled code. I was reading something about putting the ESP in programming mode by a jumper but that didnt help either.
Anybody has an Idea what is going on? Im getting a Timeout in the Arduino IDE. Do i need another Programmer or is there some settings i need to choose to make it work in the Arduino IDE?
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What Information could i add to make it more specific? i jumped ground to IO2 like i was reading on some guides, i got the same issue with the ESP01s so i dont think i have a faulty board. I think the code doesnt matter since it compiles and i cant upload it to the board, after i had issue i used the integraded "led blink" programm from the integrated library, which also works on other boards
If you have a USB to TTL programmer, make sure that
the logic levels do not exceed 3.3v
CHJ_PD is connected to VCC (3.3v)
Programmers TX to ESP RX (this is where the logic level is most important !)
Programmers RX to ESP TX
GPIO 0 (not 2) connected to GND at boot will put it in flash mode.
make sure that GPIO 2 & GPIO 1 (the TX pin) are not connected to GND
Start with something simple like Blink, defining the LED to blink as GPIO 1 where usually the built in LED is connected. Active LOW it is, or the pin would be pulled down and you won't go into any useful boot mode.
If you connect any external LED, be sure to connect it 'Active LOW' as well.