I have been having a lot of trouble extablishing a bluetooth connection between my iOS phone and a Raspberry Pi Pico W using bluetooth. I have taken a look at a lot of online resources on the matter but am making little progress.
At this point, I am
- Trying to connect the Pico W with my phone through Bluetooth
- Trying to Pico connect with and eventually display something on the 'Bluetooth Serial' iOS application.
I tried to do this through two codes:
#include <BluetoothSerial.h>
#include <SerialBT.h>
void setup(){
void loop(){
for(byte i=0; i<10; i++){
Henry Abrahamsen
Simple code using the basic features of Bluetooth Serial
Details available at https://docs.henhen1227.com/
#include <BluetoothSerial.h>
#define bluetoothModuleSerial Serial1
// Create a BluetoothSerial object
// Serial port that the bluetooth module is connected
// Verbose mode: true
BluetoothSerial blueSerial(bluetoothModuleSerial, true);
void setup() {
// Start communication with bluetooth device
Serial.println("Setup Complete");
void loop() {
// If the button with id `B0`
if (blueSerial.isButtonPressed(0)) {
Serial.println("The button `B0` has been pressed!");
// Send alert to the BluetoothSerial Connect App
blueSerial.sendAlert("Hello from the Arduino");
But in both of these cases, I cannot even see the picoW show up in the bluetooth settings of my phone. It came up a couple of times (out of the 100 times I tried) and in both cases when i tried to pair it from the settings, it said the phone does not support this kind of device.
I don't understand what is going wrong. Should I perhaps write the code differently? I can find resources on bluetooth connections with micopython but I am not that familiar with the language and am new to arduino IDE too so I have no idea how to adapt it. All in all, I am pretty lost so I would appreciate all guidance.
Eventually, I would want a button pressed (connected to the pico) to act an an input in an application I made with reactNative which is why it is important to establish a connection of some sort between the pico and the app on the phone. I am open to doing this on wifi too if it is more suitable. All help is appreciated. Thank you all so much.