I am doing a project
1.user press and hold button
2.Turn Green LED On
3.Sensor sense something(Sensorvalue < 100)
4.Turn Green LED Off (continuously until user release the button and press it again)
5.User need release and hold again the button to on Green LED
I need help with achieving function 3 to 5
int button = 2;
int GreenLED = 3;
int Sensor = A1;
int Sensorvalue = 0;
int buttonstate= 0;
float Sensorvalue;
void setup()
pinMode(button ,OUTPUT);
pinMode(GreenLED ,OUTPUT);
void loop()
int buttonstate = digitalRead(button);
int Sensorvalue = analogRead(Sensor)
if (buttonstate == High)
digitalwrite(GreenLED, HIGH)
float Sensorvalue;
void loop()
int buttonstate = digitalRead(button);
int Sensorvalue = analogRead(Sensorvalue)
Having two variables with the same name, but different scope AND different types is a recipe for disaster. Do not do that.
Your code won't even compile.
The time/place to read the sensor is after you detect that the switch has been pressed.
You have a global variable named Sensorvalue and a local variable of the same name. NOT a good idea. You seem to be using Sensorvalue as both a pin number and a pin value. Stop doing that.
Led turn on intermediately when the button is pressed?
Sensor is read and compared directly?
Aka, led on can be short (/not noticeable at all)?
If Sensorvalue >= 100, what should happen? Just led on until button is released (so it;s possible to start over)
1.Led turn on intermediately when the button is pressed
2.Sensor is read and compared directly
3 Aka, led on can be short
4. If Sensorvalue >= 100, led off. Only on until button is released and press again (so it;s possible to start over)