So im very new to Arduino and could really use some help from you veterans out there. ive read and read the motor knob examples and im just not understanding the code I guess but I have a simple project not even a project more of a learning project. I have a Big Easy Driver, stepper motor, Pot, And UNO board. I want to simply control bidirectional/speed with the pot. its very simple I think
I have a Nema 17 200 step stepper motor (bipolar) that is connected to the Big Easy Driver, The Big easy driver is connected to the UNO (Step-pin 8 Dir-pin 9) And The Pot is connected on A0. could someone please help me with a sketch ive searched for examples Ive tried to understand the motor knob examples I just need help.
i want to be able to turn the pot right and the stepper spins right the further you turn the pot the faster it goes and the same for turning left.
Can one of you brilliant programmers help a newbie out?
Thank you all for the help but I still need something to work from im a visual learner I suppose and that is no excuse for not learning how to code which im learning slowly... Robin2 your links were VERY helpful thank you but there was nothing in the sketch about the POT and how it could act as a direction and speed "controller" I have used the basic motor knob sketch and can get the motor to move right and left but where im failing is the POT i havnt been able to find any kind of example sketch of use the POT in the manner Im trying too. this sketch seems like it should already be some sort of example its a pretty simple concept. If I could ask one of you guys to post a similar sketch or the sketch I need I would be in your debt forever.
I have but I have never made a sketch before. I have read the learning section of the Pots and steppers and dont really know how to mash it all together to make it work... thats why Im reaching out to you more advanced coders. please just help a newbie out can someone please just post a sketch that is going to work. or something that I can alter to make it work with out much knowledge of coding
i want to be able to turn the pot right and the stepper spins right the further you turn the pot the faster it goes and the same for turning left.
You might try and get the stepper_speedcontrol example working. When you get that working, you might be able to modify the code to control speed in both directions.
I have read the learning section of the Pots and steppers and dont really know how to mash it all together to make it work
Have you written a short program to read and display the values from the potentiometer? If not, do so.
The potentiometer should give values betwen 0 and 1023 with 512 as the halfway point.
Using those numbers you can control your motor. If the number is greater than (say) 550 go in one direction. If it is less than (say) 470 go in the other direction. Treat values from 470 to 550 to mean stop so the motor does not oscillate beween forward and reverse.