Programming issues

Hey all i just don't understand how to fix the problems in my program below any advice would help thanks. Its for sensors reading a certain distance I had to add more to it and it gave me a lot of problems.

// Maps sensor ID (array index) to pin (array value)
const int PING_MAP[] = {32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41};
const char input_template[] = "<+##,+##>";

void setup()

void loop()
// Get serial input from RPi
String serial_input = get_serial_in();
// Process serial input from RPi
// Process local data to send to RPi
String serial_output = process_serial_out();
// Send serial data to RPi

String get_serial_in()
Serial.println("Getting serial buffer");
// Wait until we have a command to execute
while (true)
// If at least one command is in the serial buffer
if (Serial.available() >= sizeof(input_template) - 1)
// If there's two or more commands in the buffer
// Get rid of all but one
while (Serial.available() > 2*sizeof(input_template))
// If there's less than two commands, grab the full one
char rc;
// Look for the starting character
while ((rc = != '<')
//rc =;
String serial_string;
// While we haven't read the end character
while ((rc = != '>')
serial_string += rc;
// serial_string should now be "+##,+##"
return serial_string;
// Else wait for a full command


void process_serial_in(String serial_input)
// serial_input is of the form "+###,+###"
int sign_x = (serial_input[0] == '+') ? 1 : -1;
int sign_z = (serial_input[serial_input.indexOf(',')+1] == '+') ? 1 : -1;
String x_str = serial_input.substring(1,serial_input.indexOf(',')-1);
String z_str = serial_input.substring(serial_input.indexOf(',')+2);
int x = sign_x * x_str.toInt();
int z = sign_z * z_str.toInt();
//Serial.print("X value is ");
//Serial.print("| Z value is ");

String process_serial_out()
String serial_out = "";
for ( int i = 0; i < sizeof(PING_MAP)/sizeof(int); i++)
serial_out += String(i);
serial_out += ',';
serial_out += String(read_ping(PING_MAP*)/29/2);*

  • serial_out += ';';*

  • }*

  • return serial_out;*
    void send_serial_out(String serial_output)

  • Serial.println(serial_output);*
    long read_ping(int pin_number)

  • pinMode(pin_number, OUTPUT);*

  • digitalWrite(pin_number, LOW);*

  • delayMicroseconds(3);*

  • digitalWrite(pin_number, HIGH);*

  • delayMicroseconds(10);*

  • digitalWrite(pin_number, LOW);*

  • pinMode(pin_number, INPUT);*

  • long result = pulseIn(pin_number, HIGH);*

  • delay(25);*

  • return result;*
    void write_motor_commands(int x, int rotz)
    left_int = (x + rotz)/100128 + 127;
    right_int = (x - rotz)/100128 + 127;

  • left_byte = (byte)left_int;*

  • right_byte = (byte)right_int;*

  • write_left_motor(left_byte);*

  • write_right_motor(right_byte);*
    void write_left_motor(byte value)

  • Serial1.write(0xFF);*

  • Serial1.write(1);*

  • Serial1.write(value);*
    void write_right_motor(byte value)

  • Serial1.write(0xFF);*

  • Serial1.write(2);*

  • Serial1.write(value);*

You didn't say what the problems are, but I know for a fact that the compiler hates italics

The original code probably did not have italics in it.

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