Programming mega 2560 pro remotely

I use a mega 2560 pro to control 5 stepper motors. These stepper motors are in gaming cabinets that will be dispersed throughout the country. There will be instances that the code will need to be updated. We are not allowed to use wifi in these cabinets, nor bluetooth. What options do I have to do remote updates? Thanks in advance.

SD card?

Is radio not allowed or just the two variants in the 2.4GHz range?
If the later, you have the option to use LoRa.

Maybe use the Ethernet shield? What else is there without using any form of wireless connectivity...

I actually have the unit connected to a usb, I just don't know how to update the board from my game server. Wouldn't I have to simulate the process that Arduino does, to upload?

it uses avrdude

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