Programming of HC-06 on Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V

I would like to change the name and password of my HC-06 using this tutorial on my Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V but it does'nt response even on "AT".

These are what I tried:
I try it on Arduino Nano
I try to change "No line ending" to "Both NL & CR"

Please post photos of the front and back of your HC06 modules.

HC-06 typically requires 3.6v on the Rx pin, while you are only providing 3.3v and I understand others have had grief with that.

Since you mention Nano, which is hopefully a kosher 5v version, and since you make no mention of success using communications with the Pro Mini, nor describe your wiring, you might try just communicating using the Nano in order to prove you can.

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