In programming arduino, can we stop the program to wait for another operation to run. I'm not referring to 'while' loop. I mean in c++ we can code like this:
int i;
cout<<"enter an integer";
cin>>i;// computer waits for an integer
In this code the program waits until we enter a matter how long it takes. But in arduino
as we code inside the 'void loop()', the program runs repeatedly. So we cannot delay the process until another function works. Is there a way we can code as i tried to explain above(c++) ?
yeah, i already tried it. But i want few buttons as inputs and when i pressed one of them, program should store a value for it. When three buttons pressed, i need them to do some math calculations( like add them together). But as this "void loop()" runs the code again an again, all the values get reset.
I'm not good at programming, please give me an idea...
ok here we go.. but I don't think it make any sense at all.I appreciate your help
// a code for a combination lock using 10 buttons.
// Here the password is 123. So when the program runs, after entering three numbers, press 'enter button'(pin 12).
//If the code is right Blue LED turns on, else the Red LED turns on.
int key[]={2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11};// the array key[] for digital pins
int red = 13; // a Red LED for pin 13
int blue = A0;// a blue LED for analog pin A0
/*here all numbers are represented by digital pins.
pin 2 =1 , pin 3 =2 ,pin 4 =3 ,
pin 5 =4 ,pin 6 =5, pin 7 =6
,pin 8 =7, pin 9 =10 ,pin 11 =0
int k[2];// to three store numbers
int enter =12;// a button to start calculation
int j=0;// a variable to count the numbers entered
void setup() {
void loop() {
for(int i=0;i<=9;i++){
/*here the pins of buttons are set in a array, so as the for loop runs, when a button is pressed the variable
value of 'i' equals to the number of the button pressed.
if( digitalRead(key[i])==HIGH){
j=j+1;// to change place of array
int x = (k[0]*100)+(k[1]*10)+k[2];// calculates the digits entered and compare with 123
analogWrite(blue,150);//turns on Blue LED
digitalWrite(red,HIGH);//turns on Red LED