I recently bought parts to build a breadboard arduino; I bought the ATmega328 from Mouser, this one: http://mouser.com/Search/Refine.aspx?Keyword=556-ATMEGA328P-PU
To verify my breadboard setup I took my existing Uno chip off the Uno board and put it onto the breadboard; I had the blink program already on it and it ran the led on the breadboard properly, every 1 second.
To program my Mouser chip I've tried a couple different approaches, using either my existing Uno board as the programmer, and also using avrdude at the commandline to load the hex file.
In both cases I used the Blink sketch as my sample program for the target chip. When I install the chip onto my breadboard it runs the Blink program on it, however its running really slow ... about 16 seconds to blink off, then 16 seconds to blink on, repeats every 16 seconds.
The wiring for programming the chip seem pretty consistent across the various tutorials; I used this wiring example, including the crystal. http://pdp11.byethost12.com/AVR/ArduinoAsProgrammer.htm
Any ideas as to why the blink program might be running so slow?