I have this Cinterion Modem TC65i GSM/GPRS connected to serial port COM1 (Windows XP or 7).
I use a SIM card from a local operator used for celular phones like Iphone, nokia, etc.
Bought a tiny program named php_ser.dll which works with my installation of Apache, PHP, etc.
Can send SMS messages using php language and using a delay(), can send thousands of sms with one click.
As you might know these modems can send one sms every 5 to 6 seconds!.
My question is:
Can I use arduino language to send messages to my Cinterion TC65i gsm/gprs as if I was using AT commands or commands used by the Hyperterminal of windows XP via COM port?
Has anyone tried such thing?
Any comments and ideas!
SFE has some GSM shields, for example http://www.sparkfun.com/products/9607
Even I haven't program unit myself, but for starting point I'd go through all their sample code, see if it works with other models w/o much modification, except some re-mapping command set.