Programming using an RS232 (Serial) Cable in lieu of using USB (FTDI)

Programming using an RS232 (Serial) Cable in lieu of using USB (FTDI)

I have a question, is it possible to wire up a cable to directly interface an RS232 Serial Port on your computer to program the Microcontroller in lieu of using a USB interface?

It would seem to remove the FTDI dependency if you can just straight program from your serial port!

I know this can be done with other micro controllers (or at least, you used to be able to: eg, legacy PIC).

I am wondering what the Cable Pinout Diagram (Schematic) would be for the RS232 to interface it with the programming pins on the Board?

Thanks so much

The problem is that true RS-232 uses signaling voltages that are incompatible with a arduino board and would cause damage unless one first converts the RS-232 voltage levels to serial TTL voltage levels.

But that aside there are a few arduino 'clone' type boards that are designed to directly plug into a PC RS-232 port. In fact my first introduction to arduino was via a kit version like this one:


Thank you so much for the response!

Would you be able to point me to a resource where I could find the pinout diagram? as well as the schematic for converting to TTL ?

thanks so much

Thank you so much for the response!

Would you be able to point me to a resource where I could find the pinout diagram? as well as the schematic for converting to TTL ?

thanks so much

I sent a link of it's schematic in my reply to your PM.
