I need to download a program to a Zero board, using the bin or the hex file, without having the source code that generated them.
I need to use the native USB port, not the programming port or the SWD interface.
The board has the standard Arduino Zero bootloader.
Is there any software tool that allows to do this?
I installed Bossa on my pc win7 32 bit, using the bossa-x86-1.9.1.msi installer, but when I select the com port in the Bossa GUI the pc hangs.
As far as I understand there is a fork for Arduino here, but a windows installer is not available and I wasn't able to produce an executable file.
Instead I succeded using the bossac.exe file available in the Arduino installation: it works fine opening the emulated com port at 1200 baud, closing it, and the launching bossac.exe with the bin file as a parameter.
It works but it is a little bit clumsy.
Please can you tell me how to generate a Bossa with GUI that works with Arduino Zero and runs on Windows?